Friday, January 23, 2015

Loving Lover's Key State Park - 23 Jan 2015

Osprey eating his fish

Today's 'treasures' from the beach at Lover's Key

We decided that we would head out to Lover's Key today for a day at the beach...given that there is a prediction of a 'cold front' heading through tomorrow. Sorry folks, but a cold spell here is mid-60 degrees but it is supposed to rain so definitely won't be a beach day tomorrow. That suits us fine as the weekends tend to be pretty busy at the beach and we don't need to be there.

We were there by 9:45 am and the wind was blowing a howling gale! I didn't think our beach umbrella/cabana would stay up but we battened down the hatches and it was held it's ground. We had lots of people stop by asking to have a closer look at it and I suspect Dick's Sporting Goods will be doing a brisk business over the next few days. I have to admit, I stayed close to it while Wayne went for a walk...just in case...but it was a saviour when it came time to eat lunch and then get some shade as the temperature went up, up, up.

Lover's Key has changed dramatically since we were here last year. Over the winter they brought in a barge and did some dredging in order to expand the beach by almost 200 feet. When we went for the first time last week we couldn't believe our eyes as last year we had this tiny strip to sit on and it got pretty darn crowded as the afternoon progressed. Now, there is room for hundreds of people and they are planting some native grasses to try and hold the sand in place. The Park Guide did tell us that it will only take 10 years before Mother Nature reclaims the land and we saw some evidence of that today.

This was our prime shelling spot last year but with the mega dredging there are much less shells along the shore. I was so disappointed as I've told everyone how this is shell heaven but certainly didn't appear so this year. However, as the day went on and the tide began to come in, the waves were taking away large chunks of the bank and lo and behold, all the shells were stacked in the sand as the waves took the broken parts of the bank away. It's a whole new way of collecting have to watch the edge to see if there is something sticking out and grab it before the next wave comes in as the tide will take it out so fast you can't grab it in time.

We had lots of fun and an older (than us) couple sitting on the shore were laughing at the numbers of times we got a wave up our backs while bending over or how often we slipped and nearly went for an unscheduled swim. I am not....cannot....bring home as many shells as I did last year unless any of my family develop an extreme love for shell art and I don't think that's going to happen! lol

The 3 large Osprey nests are busy and at least two have babies in them. There is one next near the washroom (which is built high on stilts) and as per last year, I was able to get up close and personal with one that was sitting on a tree eating a freshly caught fish. They are so used to seeing people that as long as you are quiet, the birds will sit in the tree eating and not be frightened away. I stood there for about half an hour watching him/her and taking was a joy to watch.

We've met a number of our neighbours including 'Patsy' who is a well known local artist and has her condo set up as a studio. We stopped in to her place on our way back from the pool last night and she showed us the big 5 x 6 ft canvas she is working on as a commission. She was also showing me some beautiful orchid studies she is doing...very beautiful. She said she is very busy, most of her commissions are gotten via word of mouth and I can see why. She is very talented.

Tomorrow we will head to one of the local markets and stock up on fresh veggies and perhaps try one of the seafood restaurants that was recommended by one of our neighbours. Sunday is the Swamp Buggy Races and I can't wait to see's not NASCAR but still lots of fun.

Until next time, love and hugs to all. xx


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