Saturday, May 09, 2015

Mother's Day 2015

Tomorrow is Mother’s Day and while I won’t have breakfast delivered to my bed…I’m not sure I ever got that particular gift…I will enjoy the day and the things that have become my new traditions now that my sons have grown up and have families of their own.  At 68 years old, I am secure in my ‘Motherhood’ and love the relationship that has evolved over time with my children.
As a child, I remember Mother’s Day being only slightly less important that Christmas and just a shade above the celebration line to my Mother’s birthday. It was the day “you showed your Mother how much she meant to you” and that’s a direct quote from the toughest, strongest, most loving Mother ever created.  The first year she instructed my Father not to remind us the day was approaching nor buy anything for her on our behalf was the worst Mother’s Day of my life! My brothers and I assumed he would pick up the slack as he always had and when he didn’t, it became the Mother’s Day from Hell. I can still recall, with absolute clarity, the disappointment and hurt on her face and in her voice, when there was no card, no gift, and no special greeting that morning.  I spent the rest of my life making up for that terrible day.

When my sons were small I loved watching them sneak into the house from school with ‘something’ in a bag and their excitement was contagious.  Their teachers (God Bless Them) came up with some unique gifts for the kids to make for Mother’s Day and I know there is a box in my office with some wonderful cards that contain more glue than words.  As they got older their gifts got more elaborate and yes, there were even times when they didn’t have a gift but they always had the words “I love you Mom”. 
Tomorrow I’ll talk to my sons and tell them how much I love them, because without them I would never have had the opportunity to feel so complete. I’ll wish my daughter-in-laws Happy Mother’s Day because they are dedicated, loving, and wonderful Mothers. I’ll think about my niece Jacky, who is going to have a baby girl that is going to bring so much joy into her life.

And as always, I will go up to the cemetery and spend some time bringing Mom up-to-date on family happenings. In keeping with tradition, I will bring flowers because I promised her on that wretched Mother’s Day 60 years ago that I’d never forget her again.
Happy Mother’s Day!


At 7:11 AM , Anonymous Carol said...

I can only imagine the mood in that house on that Mother's day. However, she raised an amazing daughter. xxoo


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