Saturday, February 23, 2013

PV - Saturday, 23 Feb 2012

The Vallarta Marina and a few of the 'tiny' yachts.

The boys carrying in one of the tunas.

They didn't waste much time loading the truck and rushing off to the fish market.

There's a job opening for a Translator at the Mexican Ministry of Communications!

There is something wonderful about getting up every morning and knowing, before you whip back the curtain, that the sun is shining. If there was some way I could convince all my family to sell everything they own, move down here and flog 'stuff' on the beach for a living, it would be total paradise!

Gail and Graham left yesterday and I'm sure it was difficult for them to say goodbye and go back to more snow. The 3 weeks they were here went quickly and I know they had as good a time as we did. We hated to see them just reaffirms we only have 2 weeks left and no doubt the time will fly by just as it did when they were here.

I think I heard somebody call me 'the mummy' by the pool today...and they weren't referring to the maternal meaning. There is absolutely no humidity here so even though it may be 85 degrees in the sun, once you move into the shade it can be much cooler. Add the breeze coming off the ocean and it can be downright cool. I stretched out in my favourite lounger to read wearing long pants and my fleece jacket on and was quite comfortable. Once the sun came around and hit my feet, Wayne covered me with his towel and I went in to a deep sleep for an hour! I'm sure those people sitting in the sun and slathering lotion over themselves wondered what frigid planet I was from.

We decided we would take the bus down to the marina, gawk at the mega yachts, and have dinner. We ended up at a restaurant that serves seafood and while the food was ho-hum, the perks were GREAT! When the food came, the waiter also plunked a bottle of tequilla on the table with about 6 shots in it and that was all a freebee. We've decided that we really kind of, sort of, like tequilla and we sent the bottle back empty. When we complimented the waiter on the drink, he brought us another free shot each. Dinner got a whole lot better after that and when the free dessert arrived with a free chocolate/coffee liquor, we were downright giddy! We were wondering why there were so many people lined up to get in and now we know.

While we were eating a fishing boat pulled in and they started hauling off Yellow Fin Tuna. They had 6 of them and now that I've watched that tuna boat reality show on TV (and therefore almost an expert), I estimate they probably had about $10,000 worth of fish. I know they sure looked happy and were rushing off to the fish market to collect their money.

Tomorrow is Sunday and the day we like to go downtown and wander a bit. The fly in the ointment is that it's also the Daytona 500 so I expect I'll just order Pina Colada's delivered to the patio door while I'm glued to the TV. Some day...some day...I'm going to be in the stands to watch it. I'm a NASCAR junkie like my brother Corky and used to drive Wayne crazy to take me to the Carleton Raceway on Wed nights.

That's what been keeping us occupied. Hope everyone at home is well. My darling little Ty fell and broke his arm in 2 places so hockey season is finished for him. I can't believe my own 3 little devils got through their childhood without a broken bone. Until next time, love and hugs to all. xx


At 1:29 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hugs to Ty. Lots of ice cream and pizza. Carol


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