Thursday, April 05, 2012

Thursday, 5 Apr 2012, Indianapolis, Indiana

Restored Missouri courthouse circ 1834

Missouri wildflowers

We streaked through Illinois except for a brief stop to get the `click click` checked. When we stopped for lunch at the Illinois & Indiana border, Wayne shut the van off and then immediately tried it. It started after the third try but we figured..what are the`s the day before a long weekend and sure as anything, we`d try it in the morning at the hotel (when nothing was open) and it wouldn`t start. A quick call to the Ford dealer in Brazil, Indiana got us in, new relay something to celluloid, and back on the road in an hour.

No much to see today. I did comment a few times that these are the cleanest States I`ve seen and the highways are terrific. It was a lovely drive though...all the spring trees are in bloom so some areas in the woods along the highway had pink as well as white Dogwood and a few others I didn`t recognize. On the drive to Brazil, we passed a house with one each of the Dogwood trees in the front yard, each about 20-25 ft high and along the foundation were rhododendron bushes in that vibrant pink, yellow, and pale pink colours. Talk about curb appeal!

We expect to be in Northern Michigan tomorrow and will then cross the border at Sarnia on Saturday. I`m hoping it won`t be too busy but I don`t think the traffic going in to Canada will be as heavy as the people heading south to shop for the long weekend. I know that at some point tomorrow I need to tidy up the mess of bags in the van so it doesn`t look like....well, that there`s so much.

That was our day. I doubt I will blog again on this trip unless something happens. Now I just want to look forward to lots of hugs and kisses that I`ll get in person. Until next time, take care.


At 9:45 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I loved reading your blog Lynne. You have had a great couple of months, and you must be back in Georgetown by now getting caught up on hugs & kisses.
Gillian is in love with Uncle Mike & the noise level there this evening was through the roof. It was all music to my ears !!
You tell Wayne that Al is looking forward to going biking with him. Enjoy the kids & I look forward to seeing you when you are settled back at home!!

Love Sue


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