Thursday, March 03, 2011

Florida Trip - Thurs, 4 Mar 11

After a day and a half of coughing and barking, we left Daytona and got on the Interstate heading North, and home. We saw nothing of Daytona Beach other than the inside of the Ramada Inn as we both felt rotten and wanted nothing more than a soft bed and lots of self-medication. Wayne has the worst of the cold but felt better enough this morning to hit Cracker Barrel for a big breakfast and hit the road.

There have been a series of wildfires around Daytona the past few days and we were lucky the I-95 re-opened to traffic today as the fire had been burning on both sides of the road. At one point it was like driving through a fog as the fire had moved a bit inland but the smoke was still thick as it drifted across the road. It wasn’t the last fire we saw on the drive today…I guess the trees/grass are so dry that it doesn’t take much to set it off.

We are in Santee, South Carolina tonight, about 50 miles from Charleston and while I know that we should make a stop and see some of the old city, I’m in ‘go home’ mode now. The weather was warm when we left Daytona and while the sun followed us all day, the warm temperatures didn’t. We will pack away the shorts and get back in to jeans and long sleeved shirts in the morning. I dread seeing the snow again as we generally get home when 99% of it has disappeared. The upside is that I get to hug and kiss Beanie non-stop for a few days and then get to do it all over again with Ty & Tori in Halifax.

Williamsburg is our next stop where we will change our routine from taking Bailey’s home to taking some Williamsburg wine. We’d brought some back from Virginia last fall when we were visiting and it’s so good we decided to get more. Unfortunately, the import duty is big enough that we can’t justify buying more than our entitlement….when Wayne looked up the duty rate it makes a $10 bottle of wine run about $25…greedy tax grabbers!

Hope all is well at home and Spring follows us back to Ottawa. Until next time, love and hugs to all. xx


At 6:17 AM , Anonymous Jacky said...

Glad you guys are on the mend! Have a safe trip home ;) xoxo

At 5:13 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ok, I will try to comment again. Gillian is looking forward to the smooches and snuggles too, Honey. What day do you come home? We have a lasagna dinner ready for your first evening home. Miss you, Love Jen xo

At 5:46 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

STAYING IN BEST WESTERN in WAYNESBORO VIRGINIA (caps ugh!) They changed the name cause I was coming. Nah! Thats not true
Lynne was sleeping and when she woke up, 750 km later, I said find the nearest Best Western, Guess What Waynesboro popped up on the GPS.
We have found these places are the cleanest, bed bug free. Other places have free bed bugs.
Made a wrong turn 90 KM longer getting home. Dumb should have stopped for a map. But Lynne was sleeping and the GPS was turned off.
If we do 500Km today and tomorrow, we will be home in time for supper. Colin's wife Jen is promising lasanga. Hmmmm Good.

I was awake at 4AM Came downstairs at 6 to the computer room It is now 830 Lynne is still asleep. We both have diareha can't spell (the shits) and colds and coughs. I will be glad to get home.

At 9:52 AM , Anonymous Carol Scott said...

Wayner - its the Daily Double for you today. There is a Waynesboro, PA, Northwest of Baltimore. :)


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