Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Florida Trip - Wed - 16 Feb 11

There’s actually a tan line starting to show. I’m beginning to feel like a fish in a frying pan….greased up and turned regularly in order not to burn! Of course, Wayne is turning a golden brown with no signs of burn or's not fair.

We did the beach thing at Ft Myers on Monday and again today and I’m still trying to get my mind, and senses, around the numbers of people on the beach. We were there by 11 am on Monday, and frankly we were lucky to find a 4 square feet to set up our little cabana, towel, and chair. I’ve seen pictures of the beaches in Rio and the French Riviera but they have nothing on Ft Myers Beach! I put a couple of photos of Facebook but they really didn’t show the wall-to-wall people that were there by lunch. Today was even busier. We were on the beach by 10 am and lucky to find a spot again.

The best part of getting there earlier is watching the late arrivals trying to find a spot where their umbrella won’t shade people around them or a spot that doesn’t ‘in your face’ intrude on their neighbours space. The result is that along the packed beach there end up being little rabbit paths that wind their way along the beach to and from the various entrances. The best part of the day of course, is people watching. Be sure that for every woman who has spent endless, agonizing hours trying to find the ‘right’ bathing suit, the beach is filled with examples of those women, who not only found the ‘wrong’ one, but insist on wearing it somewhere other than in their own backyard.

I’m starting a campaign to encourage bylaws that will prohibit the following: women over the age of 60 wearing a bikini...those over 80 in a bikini get special dispensation for entertaining the rest of us; women over 100 lbs wearing a thong…those over 180 lbs in a thong as per above; females over the age of 2 yrs changing from street clothes to bathing suit on a public beach….those over 50 yrs struggling to get the shorts/undies off under the towel and drag the too-small bathing suit over an over-sized behind, as per above. It was a very entertaining day on the beach!

Oh….Tuesday was pool day and although the cover was on and the water was still a bit cool from out cold spell, I took the cover off…..just to let the oldies know I still rule the pool! Mind you, after asserting myself, I had to go in for a swim and act like it was warmer than it really was.

All in all, a great few days. Until next time, love and hugs to all. xx


At 5:31 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can just see you getting that cover off, diving gracefully into the pool and then biting your cheeks to prevent the screams from escaping, all the while keeping your head held high. Corkum pride-you've gotta love it! Miss you Honey, let's Skype soon, ok? xo Jen


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