Wednesday, February 09, 2011

Florida Trip - Wednesday, 9 Feb 11

I’m still getting used to not being on the road non-stop in the LuvMachine so every other day Wayne or I do the “what are we going to do today” thing. I can’t say I’m bored at all…it’s just that transition from travelling to another RV park every day that makes a difference.

The past couple of days we’ve gone to various other communities around Cape Coral to see what they are like and to make sure we like this area before making a long term commitment somewhere else. We went to North Port one day and Bonita Beach another but I think we’ve decided Cape Coral is the place for us. The more we get around, the more we discover that it certainly has all the amenities we’d ever need without the hustle and bustle of somewhere more metropolis and we are within 10-15 minutes of all the beaches.

We connected with a Real Estate agent yesterday and spent some time talking to her about the process of finding a place for next year. Ironically, she’s originally from Quebec City and has lived in Miami/Cape Coral for 30+ years so knows the area well. Bottom line is that we will contact her in early June and give her a list of things we want and she will e-mail some of her available properties for next winter.. She was very helpful and spent a lot of time with us (she’s a talker) so Wayne is relieved that there is one less issue to have to surf the net for…..

I have not done much photography and I’m anxious to get off my behind and do something. There are a couple of wildlife sanctuaries in the area that we’ll visit and I just need to get out and walk around vice driving in the car. Yesterday we took a short trip over to Pine Island. From what we saw it still has many of the small cottages that must have been originally built when the island first was populated as a ‘get-away’ location. It’s slowly being discovered as a more affordable vacation spot but slow to get going. What made it unique was that after you drive over the mangrove lined causeway and arrive on the island, all the little original cottages have been painted or decorated with bright colours…pink, blue, orange, green…and are now little boutiques. Photo op here….no camera…so goes on the list of places I must return to before we leave. The list is growing!

The weather has changed here in the past couple of days. That crappy wind from the North has made the temperatures drop here and it was down to 55 degrees last night! The sun still shines through the day and it gets up to 70+ but certainly not beach weather with that cold wind. Wayne has taken the van to the gym this morning so I’ll put on long pants and a jacket and go for a walk and see if I can find a little café that has cappuccino’s on tap.

Until next time, love and hugs to all. Our wireless connection has been fixed so if you’re computer starts to beep…it’s us calling you on Skype. xx


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