Friday, February 11, 2011

Florida Trip - Friday, 11 Feb 11

It has been a quiet, cool, and rainy day in Cape Coral and I gave my feet a rest and stayed in. It was a good day to do laundry and rearrange stuff but the weekend is a riot of flea markets and the sun is going to shine so I expect we’ll be busy. If the week turns out to be as sunny and warm and the weather channels predict, I see a few beach days in our future!

I’ve been watching the scene in Egypt and amazed at the power of people. I hope the future is as bright for them as they are expecting—it will be a big transition. Eighteen days to end a 30 year dictatorship is pretty incredible…regardless of the long-term result.

It made me think of some of the amazing things I’ve seen in my lifetime and like my grandparents must have said…”Where can things possibly go from here”. I remember sitting in front of the television watching Neil Armstrong walk on the moon and not really being able to fathom how that was possible. Now, I can’t imagine being anywhere in the world without being able to talk….for free….to my family and friends via the internet. I’ve stood on my deck and watched meteor showers that haven’t occurred, or will occur again, for centuries and used my digital camera to capture the event. It all makes me want to live for another 60+ years to see what is next.

Quiet day and quiet thoughts—yes, even I have those. Until next time, love and hugs to all. xx


At 12:52 PM , Anonymous Carol said...

Reading this on Valentine's Day. Talk about miracles of the modern world - Just got back from the eye doctor who found a large hole in my retina. Ten flashes with a laser and it is patched and ready to go - amazing!


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