Thursday, February 03, 2011

Florida Trip - Day 11 - 3 Feb 11

Yesterday was a ‘lay low’ day and we didn’t move the PrayerMobile a mile. I did end up falling asleep by the pool…sun was warm, breeze was cool…and ended up with firey red legs and arms! That tube of #60 was still sitting on the kitchen counter. Lesson learned!

Watching the weather channel has been interesting. Cape Coral was within 2 degrees of matching it's record temperature (it was 85 here) and yet everywhere else in North America is in a deep freeze. People in my favourite place in Texas must have been wearing their winter coats as Corpus Christie was only 17 degrees. Am I glad to be here….oh yeah! Watching one storm almost paralyze 1/3 of the US is creepy and whoever says climate change is a myth must live in bubble.

There’s a gorgeous big heated pool here and we got our first chance to use it today. Because this is a condo, with a board of directors, and the condo residents have to pay the cost of heating the pool, the ‘regulars’ monitor the process of removing the cover very closely! The pool guy was here today and made a comment that ‘in this weather, somebody should actually be using the damn thing’ which promoted a roll-up of the pool cover. However, as soon as the sun went down someone went out and covered it up again—in case it cools off tonight. Regardless, it was wonderful to be able to just walk into the water without hyperventilating!

We went out to see the local eco centre that has hiking trails but we didn’t venture out as it was just too hot and I only had flip-flops on my feet so we’ll go back and check it out later. We still want to spend some time in Naples and get a trip to Key West in before it’s suddenly time to home. Time flies at the best of times but seems to go faster when you are on holidays.

Colin & Jen called on Skype last night and it was so nice to see them, and Gillian. She got so excited when we talked and waved to her. I love Skype and if you decide you want to call us, I am normally on the computer from 6 pm – 10 pm. The wireless service here is ho-hum but certainly better than none or having to go to an internet café.

We are getting more familiar with the area and can actually get to the local beach without Gertie (GPS) telling us how to get there and then back home. Given the weird weather in every other part of the country, Florida may become the last bastion of places to spend the winter, although someone was telling Wayne that they nearly froze here last year. Who knows!

Until tomorrow, love and hugs to all.


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