Friday, January 28, 2011

Florida Trip - Day 5 - 28 Jan 11

Photo: At Lover's Key State Park. This is a protected area where the grasses hold the sand to prevent errosion. Ft Meyers Beach is to the right and is lined with anything and everything made of concrete. The sand is pure white and like icing sugar.
What started off to be a cool, cloudy day quickly turned into a warm, sunny, and quite fabulous day. There was a bit of a cool breeze but if you were sitting in a sheltered spot, it was hot.

We decided we would go to Ft Meyers Beach and see what it was like. Holy Busy Beach Resort Batman!! The beach is gorgeous….absolutely gorgeous but parking is impossible and it’s a 2-lane road that is jammed with cars by 11 am. However we drove across the bridge toward Bonita Springs and went to the State Park where we could walk and spend some time in the sun. It was wonderful! We met a young couple from Scotland with two little kids…Luke and Zoe…and laughed at their antics. Luke (3) just wanted to run through the flocks of sea birds trying to sleep and scatter them while little Zoe (2) tried to quietly sneak up on them so she could feed them. Nature or nurture?

After a wonderful lunch along one of the canals where we sat and watched the dolphins and the million dollar boats coming in and out, we drove over to Cape Coral and checked out our condo location. It’s much quieter there than the Ft Meyers area which is fine by me. We are one street back from the main road and our front yard is on a canal so I can see us sitting out there watching the boat traffic when we aren’t at the beach.

We made a quick stop at one of the many outlet malls and the newly opened Clearwater Creek store had a mega sale. Suffice to say that I shouldn’t have to do a wash for quite a while! There’s something about getting stuff at 75% off that just makes a girl feel good.

The cool weather Florida has been experiencing is supposed to be over by tomorrow so we may go back to Ft Meyer and be there early enough to park and be off the beach early as well. When we were coming back over the bridge at 2:30, the traffic was backed up for a mile or more trying to get into the beach area. This place would be hell at March Break!

Till tomorrow, love and hugs to all. I keep looking at the photo of my little darlings and wondering how they will have grown by the time we get home. Xx

PS - Carol says Thomas Edison had property around Ft Meyers. I ask: Carl - how do you know these things?


At 7:24 AM , Anonymous Carol Scott said...

Carol says "that's my role"


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