Monday, January 24, 2011

Florida Trip-Day 1-24 Jan 11

Our Snowbird adventure is late starting this year but we got on the road about 9:45 am and pulled into the Best Western in Harrisburg, PA about 6:30 pm. It's almost...almost as cold here as it was in Ottawa and I can't wait to feel the warm sun on my skin.

We drove about 1 1/2 hours longer than we normally would but the weather report says snow, rain and cloudy weather is about all we will see for the next few days so we wanted to get as many miles in as possible today. However, we paid for trying to find a hotel when it was dark as I'm sure we drove about an hour longer than necessary simply because we were tired and the GPS was wonky--leading us on a merry, round-about route for a hotel.

There is more snow than we are used to seeing this far South. It was clear that NY State had a recent storm as the trees were really laden with big puffs of snow on the branches. If you scrinched up your eyes, the trees looked like giant pussy willows.

We think it will be a 4-day drive to Cape Coral--neither of us are 12-hour drivers so there was never any question of us trying to get their in the shortest time possible. Although the weather isn't ideal, this is also part of the holiday and I'd just as soon not arrive there exhausted and bleery-eyed from non-stop driving.


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