Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Florida Trip - Day 2 - 25 Jan 11

We breezed through Pennsylvania, Maryland, and Virginia and spending the night in Smithfield, North Carolina. Now, it wasn’t planned, and I honestly didn’t know it but the hotel I chose is RIGHT NEXT TO AN OUTLET MALL!!! It was a quick check-in, drop-off and head over to do some looking and of course, a bit of shopping. Wayne found me in the Carter’s Outlet and said if I was there more than 15 minutes, he was calling for security! I have to admit I was a bit tired and we didn’t do any major shopping but did spend enough time for him to leave Bass Outlet with 4….count ‘em….4 pairs of shoes! I love it when he gives me enough fodder to last for at least a year.

Even though it is winter in Virginia, it is still one of the most beautiful States we been to. I’m always amazed at the miles and miles of manicured fencing to hold all those gorgeous horses. There were many Kodak moments….a big red fox, bluebirds, abandoned barns/houses, scenic rivers and streams…but stopping on the Interstate isn’t possible so it’s all pictures in my mind instead of on my camera.

The weather was still really cold when we left this morning but there is a subtle warming that I can feel in my arthritic bones (or just in my mind). The Interstate is boring as hell and the only thing that keeps me occupied is reading the hundreds of huge billboards that are still used in the USA. They are a bit of a microscopic view of American culture I think as it’s all about the ‘biggest buffets’, the ‘biggest gun shops’, or the ‘We dare to bare’ adverts for strip clubs/gentlemen’s clubs.

By the time we got to the North Carolina border there was no snow to be seen and we are starting to notice lots of leaves still on the trees. Our goal is to hit the Florida border tomorrow and be in Cape Coral by Thursday.

Until then, hugs and kisses to all.


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