Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Florida Trip - Day 3 - 26 Jan 11

We have eaten our way through North and South Carolina and Georgia. Both Wayne and I are hoping that these tape worms we each seem to have acquired are now satisfied and will leave us alone. It started yesterday when we found a Ponderosa Restaurant and continued to last night when the Texas Steak House had a big special…2 steak dinners for $20. No wonder the Americans have an obesity issue….the buffet at Shoney’s is $6.49—cheaper than a burger combo at McDonald’s!

Once we got to Georgia, the rainy/cloudy weather perked up and the sun came out which made for a much nicer drive. The 3-lane highway also helped as we weren’t as hemmed in by the thousands of 18-wheelers that are on the road. We pulled into the Best Western in Jacksonville, Florida at 5 pm so made our goal for the day.

The sky is blue, not a cloud to be seen although the temperature is still about 55 degrees…too cool for shorts yet but definitely warm enough that we can peel off a layer or two of the clothes we’ve been wearing. Up until yesterday I still had boots and gloves on even in the car. There’s a lot to be said for the mental spike that happens when you have to turn the heater off and open the vent for fresh air.

I’ll be glad to get to our destination and hopefully not feel the need to get back in the car—at least for a few days. Yes, I’m missing the LuvMachine but the PrayerMobile is doing just fine. I’m anxious to start taking some pictures and there are lots of wildlife/nature preserves in the Cape Coral area.

Until tomorrow, hugs and kisses to all who are following us on our trip.


At 5:45 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

3T&K following from Halifax, good to hear all is well and that you already in Florida - just remember minus 32 with the wind chill here today so take your 55 degrees and shove it!
Have fun - love the "prayer mobile" Need to get a license plate that says WWWD "What would Wayne Do?"
Love you.

At 8:26 AM , Anonymous Carol said...

I laughed when I heard you hit Carter's first thing. I'm guessing you spent more than 15 minutes there. Good thing you kept driving as Washington is expecting a big snow storm today.
Love Carol

At 5:21 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Prayer Mobile?? Hmmm...insert comment about my heathen in-laws here : )

Beanie has been asking about you. She misses her Honey and Poppa, but also realizes that your world doesn't revolve around her and hopes you enjoy your trip. Colin is still angry....he is not quite as evolved as Gillian is.

Love you!! Jen xo


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