Friday, September 10, 2010

Friday, 10 Sep 2010, Luray, Virginia

It was another beautiful day in Virginia…temperature was in the mid-70’s, the sun was shining…a great day to be on the road.

I think I fell asleep about 9:30 last night and except for the odd blanket toss, had a great sleep. We decided that because Luray wasn’t too far from Natural Bridge, we’d take the time to do a wash. We were on the road by 11 am and although we were on I-81, it’s not a major highway and went through lots of beautiful countryside. Virginia has not been a disappointment so far…so green and lush and incredibly clean.

We arrived in Luray and headed for the caverns where the re-enactment is happening tomorrow, just to get the lay of the land. A trip through the caverns seemed like a good idea and they were quite spectacular. The tour took about an hour and it was definitely worth the visit. They had the biggest car/vehicle museum I’ve ever been in. They had a Royal carriage from Portugal from the 1700’s and many cars from the late 1800’s and early 1900’s that are supposedly the only one of its kind left. Rudolph Valentino’s Bentley was on display as well as a couple of others belonging to ‘famous’ people.

We are in a wonderful RV park…the Luray RV Resort – Country Waye, a short distance from the caverns. It’s run by a lovely Swiss family and we had a long conversation with the woman who owns it…she had just had an unpleasant run-in with a man driving a 35+ ft RV who had scraped it on a post or something while trying to park and threatened to sue her. She was really upset and said it seems like these individuals who drive the huge rigs are so stressed trying to manoeuvre such large vehicles that once something sets them off, they are out of control. She is such a quiet person and the altercation was not pleasant.

The park isn’t big but in typical Swiss fashion, is spotlessly clean and very well layed out. We may stay tomorrow as well if we end up spending more time than planned.

We had stopped to get gas yesterday and Wayne’s VISA card wouldn’t work. I gave him mine and it didn’t work either. I called them last night and apparently the gas station’s machine must have been dirty and tripped both cards. VISA like to know when you are travelling but I’m guessing our cards are used in so many different places within a year that it shouldn’t be a surprise when ‘Ottawa’ shows up on one charge and ‘Virginia’ or ‘Puerto Vallarta’ shows up on the next. We’re back in business!

The WiFi connection in the past couple of places isn’t strong enough to allow me to post the blog as well as a photo so when I do get a decent connection, I go back and add a photo.

Till next time, love and hugs to all. xx


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