Tuesday, September 07, 2010

Mon & Tues, 7-8 Sep 2010, Virginia Beach, Virginia

Monday: We stopped in at the Williamsburg Market Square on our way out. When the town was being ‘Colonialized’, the local business owners and merchants were encouraged to move their businesses to this new location….that’s where all the tourists would be…and they jumped at the chance. It isn’t a block of kitschy t-shirts and shot glasses but high end boutiques, shops & bookstores with a few that sell souvenirs. Didn’t spend a cent, which is unusual but I’d rather have photos and memories at this stage of life.

It was nearly noon by the time we got onto the Interstate and we arrived at the Virginia Beach KOA in a couple of hours. It’s a big site with two huge, beautiful pools and we got a location away from the main area with lots of big trees for shade. By 5:30 we’d decided we’d take the shuttle bus downtown and at the bus stop, met a couple who gave us the scoop on how, when, where, and why the buses run. The good news was that for $1 you get a senior’s pass which allows you to ride the bus all day until 1 am. The bad new was that this was the last day the shuttle bus would come out to the campground. It suited our purpose as we could get the lay of the land and could bring the van in the next day.

Wayne found a 2 for 1 coupon for streak and shrimp at the Black Angus restaurant so we hustled down there and made it just in time. It was an excellent supper and we splurged on a couple of glasses of good wine to round out the meal. It was then time to walk off all that food.

Virginia Beach is a newer, classier, nicer, upgraded version of Daytona Beach. It is gorgeous!!!! There’s 38 miles of sandy beach, a wide boardwalk all the way and the requisite pier for fishing. I tested the water and was amazed at how warm it was…definitely requires a day at the beach. The crowds left today (and we’re told they were here in record numbers) so the amusement park had only one or two rides going but there was a fantastic band playing in an amphitheatre between two hotels so we listened to them until they took a break and then did the bus thing back to the campground.

I’m hoping to be able to open the windows and just enjoy the breeze vice air conditioner but I keep forgetting I’m sleeping beside my mobile furnace (Wayne). I’m not sure how he gets any sleeps with me flinging covers off and then grappling to find them when the hot flash ends. It’s a great life!!

Tuesday: We decided early that we would head for the beach. Wayne brought his fishing rod and thought he might join some of the locals.

Early this summer I had picked up a beach sun protector at Giant Tiger and it turned out to be the ideal thing for today. It’s lightweight, easy to put up and certainly did the job of protecting us from the sun. There were lots of people on the beach but absolutely not crowded. We’d parked the van in a lot about 50ft away so I was able to go over and make some lunch to bring back. Having the fridge on propane is great..we can stop and buy groceries at any time through the day and the food stays cold as well as meat stays frozen. When we are at the beach, it means we have cold drinks and deli meat for sandwiches.
The water was warm, warm, warm…Wayne always says September is when the Atlantic is the warmest and it’s sure true today. The waves were high; a huge school of dolphins went by; the surfers were workin’ it; oh yes, it was a very good day to be at Virginia Beach.

There is a big Navy air base close by and I now understand why there are so many bumper stickers that say “I LOVE JetNoise’. A few jets went screaming over the campsite this morning that made dishes rattle in the cupboard.

Virginia Beach may become our ‘go to’ place in September…it’s off season so prices drop dramatically, the crowds are gone, and the weather is phenomenal! Apparently, Fall doesn’t come here until early November so the locals are still in summer mode. The city is extremely clean, given the crowds that are here all summer.

We are on the road again tomorrow and heading west towards Fancy Gap, Virginia which is near the start of the Blue Ridge Parkway. We won’t be taking the Interstate which will be a nice change of pace.

Till next time, love and hugs to all. xx


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