Wednesday, September 08, 2010

Wed, 8 Sep 2010, Fancy Gap, Virginia

Today was a day for driving…we wanted to get the Blue Ridge Parkway so that we could take a couple of days to just meander and see some of the sites that are just off the road in many of the little towns along the way.

The Parkway runs North and South through Virginia and North Carolina. On our way up to Fancy Gap and the KOA here, we hit 3000 ft elevation so it's ‘up there’. I asked Wayne to promise that the drive will be ‘slow and easy’…some of the curves we careened around were a little nerve wracking for me. We stopped at Lovers Leap (photo above) and the view was breathtaking. Unfortunately, photos don’t do it any justice when the sun is too high in the sky and unless we can hit one at sunrise/sunset, there’s not much point….. Definitely worth seeing and drooling over though.

However, there are lots of historic settlements in the area and numerous old log cabins that were built by early settlers so still lots of photo ops. For the life of me, I can’t imagine how/why people ever got up here 100+ years ago. The LuvMasheen had a hard enough time making it up some of those hills and around the mountains…how the heck did people do it with a horse & wagon? Where did they plug in their hair dryers? Clearly, I lack the pioneer spirit.

The KOA might have seemed a bit isolated but it’s beautiful. It’s much cooler tonight than last night but that might be a good thing as it will be nice not having the air conditioner going full blast in order to keep my body temperature at a reasonable level. The campground has WiFi and cable television so it’s not too isolated!

I’m missing little Beanie and looking at the photo of my Tutu angels that is on the van’s bulletin board. We were showing the inside of the van to someone and when they saw the photo, they laughed and said, “They must be Grandaughters!” Kim says Tori has found her toes and thinks they are the best toys around. Ty’s first days at school have been good and his best friend is in his class so the move to a new school hasn’t been too stressful.

Till next time, love and hugs to all. xx


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