Saturday, September 04, 2010

Saturday, 4 Sep 2010, Williamsburg, Virginia

We had booked in to Richmond KOA for 3 days but after one night we thought we’d call ahead and see if there were openings (given it’s a long weekend) in Williamsburg. The air conditioner had shut out the sound of the I-95 about 200 ft from us but we didn’t feel the need to venture into Richmond anyway so we hit the road.

We decided to take Hwy 5 vice I-64 and what a treat it turned out to be! It was a quiet road, lined with trees that formed a canopy and as an extra bonus, had four different plantations along the route, of which we visited two. The interesting part is that both of the plantations we visited are still occupied by families of the original owners.

Shirley Plantation is the oldest plantation in Virginia (1610) and the current owners are the 11th generation of Carter’s to live there. It’s 3 floors; the first floor is open for tours—much of the furniture is original to the home and the family occupies the top two floors. It has been beautifully restored and from old photos, looks very much today as it did 200 years ago. There’s so much history here and the guide told us there are thousands and thousands of volumes of plantation information dating back to the 1600’s which has provided amazing information and documentation of how the plantation was run.

The Tyler Plantation was formerly owned by former President John Tyler (10th President of the US) and currently occupied by his grandson. The house itself isn’t open to the public except by appointment so we didn’t go through but the grounds are free to wander and old buildings are marked as to their age and history. I’m not sure the yard outside their kitchen door is for the public but Wayne wanted a good photo of the kids house so didn’t hesitate to walk back…nobody stopped him.

The Williamsburg KOA is huge and there’s lots of kids but we don’t plan to be here much anyway as we’ll head in to Colonial Williamsburg tomorrow for the day. On the way in however, we spied the Prime Outlet Mall and decided to do some retail therapy before setting up for the night.

HOLY HUGE SALES BATMAN! It’s Labour Day and the discounts are humungous! The cashier at one store started to tell me the discount on each item, plus the additional discount on various items, plus the discount on the final amount….I figured she was going to give ME money. The Coach purse store was having a mega-big-huge sale….well, every woman should own at least one Coach purse before she dies. Oh yes, Lynnie had lots of fun…although a significant number of bags belonged to Wayne!

I’m looking forward to seeing Williamsburg…I’m embarrassed to say we’ve never been to Upper Canada Village…but the Scotts were here last Spring and said it was awesome. The weather report says there’s lots of sun in Virginia Beach so that will be our next stop…and thanks to Hurricane Earl for not destroying the place!

Until next time, hugs and kisses to all.


At 7:22 PM , Anonymous Wayne said...

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At 3:41 AM , Anonymous Wayne said...

I have finally realized why Lynne never gains weight. She can cover more territory in two hours than an olympic jogger.

At 7:02 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Halifax is still standing! Lost power a couple of times for only an instant. The wind was incredible, pulled a couple of our 6ft cedars right out of the ground and we lost a decent sized branch on a birch tree out back and other than that not much to report. By mid afternoon the roads were dry and the sun was shining, although wind was still blowing hard, and people started poking their heads out of the homes to see if everythign was alright.
Miss you guys, hope you are having fun - talk soon, Love Tim and family.


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