Saturday, September 20, 2008

Day 19 - 20 Sep - Hubbards, NS to St Johns, NB

We're back on the road again and heading for home via the States. We had a great time in Hubbards, packed and re-packed stuff that was to come to Ottawa, and left about 9 am yesterday.
The girls have done a nice job with the barn and paddock which now holds 5 horses--their two and 3 borders--and it looks very nice. They are fastidious about cleaning up and do it three times a day. It was strange not having any kids around though, nor any big crowds for meals the way it used to be when Nellie was alive. Another of life's natural changes I guess.
Thursday was cold and damp and I just couldn't get warm at all. All through Nfld and NS I commented on how hardy Maritimers are...I'm dressed in layers and they are in short and sleeveless shirts!
The drive to St Johns was uneventful and I enjoyed being reminded about how green and lovely NS and NB are. NS, like Nfld, is rocky with lots of beautiful little lakes where you least expect them. NB is more forest and rolling hills and I remember Mom saying the drives she and Dad used to take from Trenton to see us in Newcastle were some of the most scenic they'd ever done, especially in the fall.
Not sure where we are headed this morning but I expect we will be crossing the border at some point. Our goal is to be home on Tues or Wed after a stop in North Conway to shop a bit. It's starting to get a bit cool at night and our little heater just keeps the dampness away. It's beautiful and sunny this morning but still cool so time to be a home.


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