Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Lost Track--Hubbards, NS

We arrived at Hubbards yesterday...I'm told today is Wednesday, but honestly, I have to freaking idea of the day or date! One would think I could just read my own blog and know that info but I'm not sure I had it right in the first place. Those who know me know that this is not just a recent occurrence nor has it anything to do with old age...I've always had a problem showing up for something on the right day/wrong time, right time/wrong day, etc. I hate it but can't seem to rectify that particular deficiency!
We got the official Hubbards welcome...dogs in 'high bark' mode. Kandace was on paddock duty so once she got cleaned up, Charlene came home and we decided to go out for dinner. The cook and both waitresses went to school with Wayne so we had an impromptu reunion right there.
This morning we headed for Peggy's Cove and after taking all the photos that every other tourist has taken 100 times (you just can't help it), we started back towards home and decided we would visit with Wayne's Uncle Noble and once again, a planned short visit turned in to most of the afternoon. Noble is the last of Nellie's family and we were glad to see both he and wife Doris. Noble was a very busy woodworker so he and Wayne had no problem finding something to talk about. The visit was lots of fun and we got caught up on yet another side of the family.
The plan is to stay here for another couple of days and leave for home (via the States) on Saturday. We had a good laugh last night....we went through 10 boxes of stuff Wayne had packed (while here last month) and it was pared down to 4 boxes which will pack in to 2 boxes to go to Ottawa. Charlene thought she'd seen the last of it but I don't think so.


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