Thursday, January 15, 2009

Day 17-Thursday, 15 Jan 09-S. Padre Island to Lake Braunig, Texas

Photos: Green Jay (Cyanocorax yncas--honest-to-God, the 'book' says so!). So beautiful. Photo 2: Havelin or Piccari--like a wild pig).
We were up at 7 am and on the road by 8 am. Although it was a bit cloudy, the temperature was around 60-65 degrees and it was pleasant. We decided to take a quick detour and visit the Laguna Atascosa Wildlife Refuge while we were in the area. It’s over 88,000 square acres of swamp, shoreline, thickets, etc for a variety of wildlife, including the Ocelot. Although we didn’t see any of them, there were birds aplenty. I did get a book on birding so at least now when I take a picture of something, I can put a name to it.
Instead of heading back to San Antonio (& points West) on Hwy 77, we went up Hwy 281, through some very small towns that have sure seen better days.
This whole area is so close to Mexico that the majority of the population is Mexican. Judging from the architecture, most of these small towns are old but at one point I said to Wayne that we must have crossed the border and not realized it….it was déjà vu of last years trip, for sure. There was a large border patrol inspection station and according to their sign, they have already picked up ‘1032 undocumented aliens’, ie Mexicanos, this year. I don’t know what kind of employment there ever was in these towns but I suspect some of the towns grew from the migrant workers that came up from Mexico to work on the large farms in the area and stayed. They really look to be in a sorry state though.
Along Hwy 281 are some very elaborate gates that lead to ranches that are far back from the road. However, we learned last year, and this, that the cost of the gates and all the wrought iron work is perhaps worth more than the run-down trailer which is the ‘ranch house’. The local system of housing developments is a little confusing as there can be one or two very nice looking houses with front yards filled with old cars and crap. Next door can be a couple of trailers that were not in very good condition in 1955.
We decided to stay in a park outside of San Antonio vice going back to the KOA in the city. The LuvMasheen is currently overshadowed by 200+ big rigs in the Lake Braunig RV Resort. It’s very nice…but a ‘resort’ it ain’t. We know we want to head West and at some point, sit for a week or so, but still haven’t decided where. I guess (hope) we’ll know when we get there. The ‘one nighters’ are tiring for both of us but we want to be somewhere where we have things to see and do.
From what we see on the internet, it’s freaking cold at home. Is that better than mounds of snow? Until next time, love and hugs to all. Xx


At 7:10 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

You are very right - it is extremely cold here!! Plus the roads have lots of black ice so many accidents. So 60 degrees is sounding pretty good right now....

I love reading the blog and looking at the photos. Can really relate to the 300 pics you took the other day! Most of mine are indoors here.

Big hugs to both of you



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