Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Day 16-Wednesday, 14 Jan 09-S. Padre Island

It It was a glorious day on the island and a welcomed respite from the wind, cold air, and cloudy skies. Last night when we went to bed the sky was full of was like a ‘cottage night’ when it’s so dark you can’t see your hand in front of your face but the sky is alive with stars. The moon was almost full and I walk up to the big pavilion to see it over the water. I almost…almost…dug my tripod out of the back to trudge over the dunes for a photo but…… Instead, I slept with the back curtain open so the moon shone through the window. Isn’t there some tale about ‘sleeping in moonlight makes you become younger?’ I like that story!
I was up early and walked across the highway to the convention centre which has a wonderful nature walk. I’d had a quick look yesterday when I went over to ‘borrow’ a bit of their WiFi and knew I had to go back in the morning when the sun would be perfect for photos. Well, 300 pictures later I was back at the LuvMasheen for breakfast and so happy I’d gone. There were so many different varieties of Herons, (I’ve GOT to get that Audubon book) duck, and birds and although there is a big sign saying it’s alligator habitat, I didn’t see any. The boardwalk itself goes a long way out and around a swampy area and is make of a materiel…plastic or something…that doesn’t echo footsteps or create any noise when you walk on it. The birds must know that it’s safe as they don’t move when you walk up to the railing.
There were quite a few bird watchers and because I was using my telephoto lens, must have thought I knew what the hell I was taking pictures of….I played along of course….it’s easier than trying to explain that, “No, I have no idea what the name of it is…but it sure has cute long legs”. I’m told people come to Texas at this time of year specifically to watch birds as it’s the ‘migration highway’ for thousands of species. I’m told there are beautiful Spoonbills here…now THAT’s one I know and would love to get in a photo.
Wayne’s knee is continuing to give him problems so walking on the beach is out! He’d gone to the sports Dr before we left and thought it was better but not so. While I was out and about, he sat in the sun and read, snoozed, and put ice on it but I knew it was bothering him when he didn’t even try to sneak a walk in the sand. Our noses definitely have a rosey glow and we had to remind ourselves to get the lotion out. Ah, I love the smell of Coppertone in the morning!
I’m heading back to the convention centre now to send this and hand around for the sunset, which was spectacular last night. Because it’s going to rain tomorrow, there are clouds which always provides for great sunset colours.
We are leaving in the morning…for sure this time…and still having the discussion about whether to head for Arizona or Florida. I’m holding out for Arizona as I know it will be beautiful by the time we arrive and there are some wonderful National/State parks that I want to see. By the time we come back this way, Florida will be warmer.
I’ve mailed a small parcel home for Ty….here goes Honey with the souvenirs….but couldn’t resist an Engineer’s hat, shirt and train whistle from Chattanooga. Maybe because it’s train related he won’t get upset that’s it’s not toys. Heaven knows he loves trains!
Until next time, love and hugs to all. xx


At 7:30 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Unless you have already seen it, you might want to consider going to Arizona when the desert is in bloom - I believe Feb or Mar.


At 4:43 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey you two it sounds like you are having a great time -- sure beats the weather here, it's -35 with the wind chill!
BTW what happened to our planned Sunday night phone calls??
I sent Dad an email a few days ago and haven't heard back so we are using your blog as our commuinication portal.
Can you give us a call please, we need to talk to you and Ty wants to say hi.
Love Kim, Tim and Ty


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