Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Day 15-Tuesday, 13 Jan 09-S.Padre Island, Texas

We got up this morning and said goodbye to Wil & Dianne and by 9 am were packed and ready to head to San Antonio and then points West. We’ll keep tracking each other and may end up in the same area again. If not this year, perhaps next year.
The wind had started to blow through the night but the sun was shining and it was above 60 degrees.I’d asked Wayne to drive down to the end of the road past town to the beach access so that I could get a few photos. We wandered along the beach, resisting the impulse to pick up more shells and both of us hated the thought of leaving….it’s so beautiful along here. There are miles and miles of sand and sand dunes and so few people—perhaps because the weather just isn’t conducive to lots of tourists yet—although the campground at the National Park we went to yesterday was full. The park allows people to stay for up to six months, which is a real surprise, and the cost is $28 per day, vice the $50 per day at KOA and about 250 sites. Mind you, the washrooms are pretty basic and geared for day trippers to the beach.
The weather report for tomorrow is sunny skies again but 80 degrees which makes a day at the beach very attractive. We had passed by a much smaller park, about 20 (all occupied) sites, situated behind the dunes about 100 yards from the beach. We looked at one another and without a word the LuvMashen pulled in. A guy walked by us and we asked if he know if anyone was leaving….he replied, “I am in about 15 minutes”. We quickly drove to the office and signed up for tonight, and will go back to the office in the morning and take another night if tomorrow looks as good as the local forecast.
There is no internet service, or cable TV (tonight will be movie night in the LuvMasheen) and I’ve walked a short distance across the road to the Convention Centre to post this. We’ll see how that works.
The wind is still blowing hard but Wayne managed to find a knoll between the dunes for his chair and snoozed for 15 minutes. I’ve got to be careful with my camera as there is a fine sand blowing but I keep it covered and inside my jacket.
Until next time, love and hugs to all. xx


At 7:57 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Poor things - to make you feel better about 60 degrees, the windchill here this morning is -39 No sand dunes here to hide behind only snow banks.



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