Friday, January 20, 2006

What an extraordinary age we live in! Last week I was wondering just what the heck a 'blogger' was and now I'm one...sort of...we'll see how it goes. I'm trying to spend some time looking at other blogs to see what people post. There are a few very sick people out there! At my age and time of life, I don't have enough time, energy, or inclination left to flush that mental toilet for everyone to view...and really, who cares?

For family and friends who DO care where I am travelling, what I might be seeing, and what sights are impressing me, this is where they will see it. It's my blog and if I think it's interesting, I'm putting it here...kind of like an open e-mail to the world.

My promise....I won't embarrass anyone and I'll re-read every blog 5x to be sure I've kept that promise. It may take me a while to get this set up so tune in again soon...and often.


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