Saturday, March 02, 2013

PV - Saturday, 2 Mar 2013

The riders start at the back wall and must come full speed before 'braking' the horse at the line.

Their roping skills and tricks are incredible whether they are standing or sitting on a horse. 

When one of the Charros exceeds at an event, the crowd tosses hats, shoes, or underwear into the ring. This cutie got some lace undies.

A Charro in training.

Today's trip was to the National Charro...or Mexican Rodeo....where various ranches throughout the area compete in different events. We'd been a few years ago and really enjoyed it. It's a real Mexican cultural event with music, tequila, cowboys, tequila, food, tequila, and oh yes, lots of tequila!

We always seem to luck in and get to sit beside a Mexican who speaks perfect English and gives us a guided tour of the event. We went early (11 am) and by 6 pm we were ready to come home but it goes on quite late and there were lots of families arriving as we left. It was a great day and just one more of the many, many things we love about this part of the world.

We managed to Skype with Tim and Kim and got caught up on the news about Ty breaking his arm. They said he was such a brave boy throughout it all and I think he's enjoying the attention he's getting with his cast. I laughed so hard when Kim said Tori had had a tough day at pre-school. When the teacher asked Tori to tell Kim why she'd had trouble with her listening skills that day, Tori said, " shirt was too tight!"

This is our last week so we are going down the list of those things we still want to do. We won't get it all done but I suspect we'll have a busy week with at least one day of  pool time. It's been an amazing 9 weeks!

Until next time, love and hugs to all. xx


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