Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Wednesday, 14 Mar, 2012 - SPI

Beach snack wagon...knew we should have kept the LuvMachine!

Seaweed on the beach....yucky!

Police patrolling the beach

It's been a busy couple of days on the island; not for us, of course - we're retired - but certainly for the thousands of kids here on Spring Break who are trying to live life as hard and as fast as they can in one week! Lord, I'm glad those days are over.

Our little street was the 'place to party' last night and if I could have collected even a nickel for every car that went back and forth, I'd have my holiday paid for. I can't lie, it's as amusing as hell to watch them and despite the generation gap, Wayne and I hoot and holler (that's the universal 'hello' this week) and we both gasp at the lack of clothing coverage on the girls....but for obviously different reasons! The girls don't wear anything but and night...the smaller the better. The downstairs crew seem to have a routine--they leave around noon, stagger home (and I mean stagger) around 4 pm, sleep for a couple of hours and then head out again. One of the girls lost the keys to her car the day she arrived so everyone has to manoeuvre around her...I'm not sure what's going to happen in a couple of days when it's time to leave. In the meantime, the girls strut, the boys oogle, the girls hoot, the boys holler, and I'm still aghast at the sheer amount of beer these kids can drink. I commented on the grocery cart filled with cases of beer the boys behind me were buying, that I wasn't seeing any milk, butter, bread, etc. Once of the boys said, "Well, I think there's a package of ham in here somewhere".  Every store, gas station, and liquor store has one or two trailer loads of beer in front trying to keep the shelves full.

We've spent the past two days at the beach. Yesterday we took a break from tanning and wandered down to our neighbourhood hang-out, Wanna Wanna, and lo and was Coors/Miller Lite Day. That meant free beer and cool sunglasses. Neither Wayne nor I are big beer drinkers but we quaffed one and people-watched for a bit before heading home. As the traffic started to get busier, I was sure we'd never get any sleep but our bedroom is at the back of the condo and we didn't hear a thing.

Today we packed a lunch and our kites and went to the North Beach. I guess I thought all the kids would be down at the South Beach in town where all the party stages have been set up....NOT!! The North Beach is the only location where you can take your car and drive along the beach and it was mega-crowded, but mostly with Mexican families and teens. When we left at 5 pm there was a long line-up to get in and someone said the bridge to the island is totally gridlocked. The water is warming up I guess as there were lots of people swimming. Unfortunately, a tremendous amout of seaweed has come in shore and while the town removes town...the North Beach hasn't been touched. I suspect the water will cover it as the tide comes and goes but it doesn't make for a very nice shell collecting for a while. However, it would take a whole lot more than that to ruin a hot, sunny day at the beach for us and our tans are finally getting note-worthy after a miserable February.

 That's our day(s) on SPI, hope yours was as good. Until next time, love and hugs to all. xx


At 6:16 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Luv the picture of the Beach Snack Wagon. Surprised that the Wayner and Bobster didn't come up with that idea. 20+ this weekend. Maybe you will be able to start your gardening if Winter doesn't pay us one more return. Carol


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