Monday, March 12, 2012

Monday, 12 Mar 2012 - SPI

Feeding the gulls - Graham's favourite beach activity - it was fun!
We got Gail and Graham to the airport in Harlingen this morning for their 8 am flight. It meant we were up at 4 am in order to do the 1 hr drive (in the fog) and without rushing, they were still there before the ticket agent! We all agreed that despite more than a couple of days of rain and/or cloudy weather, we had all had a great time. Considering we are 'in-laws', had 14 days in the same condo, and all have a few different likes/dislikes, the fact that they can leave and we all say 'where did the time go', is a pretty great testiment to our friendship and regard for each other. I think we have agreed that we will head back to Puerto Vallarta next year...great weather is guaranteed!

The Spring Break extravaganza had officially begun and it's a sight to behold! When we were here 2 yrs ago in March, we really saw very little of the college-kid explosion. Not so this year! People renting condos must be anxious to get some rent as the kids are all around us...except immediately next door to us which is very nice...but the local calculation is that 90% of rental properties will be filled this week. Gail and I nearly split our sides when cars starting arriving in the driveway in the 2 condos below us and suddenly....bath mats took a whole long time to shake over the railing and it took both men to do it! Both condos have been rented by a large group of girls (all in the #9 category) and within minutes Graham had been invited downstairs to partake in the beer bong festivities. As we pulled out to go to dinner a bit later, both groups of girls had congregated outside, in their tiny-weenie bikinis, and suddenly Wayne just couldn't seem to get that van into reverse! When we got home, we weren't too surprised to find the duplex (filled with boys) next door, occupants filling their deck, as well as a couple of tailgate parties across the street (filled with boys) with all eyes glued to our condo. I waved at them and yelled out that we were the girls' parents and all visitation had to be approved by us! Probably didn't gain any points with the girls but I think they had already left and hit the bars. The beaches are MUCH more crowed with big sponsored parties going on everywhere and honestly, I'm looking forward to getting out there and watching some of the fun. The police presence is over-the-top and anyone with a badge has been empowered with search and arrest, including Wildlife and Health's a hoot...and the County sherriff and his boys have also been recruited to help. I won't be going anywhere without my camera!

Wayne had been suffering with a terrible cough which wouldn't go away so a quick trip to the clinic got him some antibiotics and cough syrup. The Dr said he thinks it's an allergy...the 'Red Tide' is prevalent at this time of year and suspects that is the cause. It's been 3 wks and he's still got the bark which prevents him from getting his 5-hr sleep at night. Now that G2 have left, I expect one of us will be sleeping in the other room so that each of us doesn't disturb the other. It's supposed to be hot and sunny all week and perhaps a few days napping on the beach will help him.

We will be heading to Westlaco next weekend, about 2 hrs from here, to visit with friends who have bought a place there. It will be our last chance to visit as we leave on 1 Apr and start the trek home. It a coincidence...really...that there is a huge outlet mall a few minutes from their place and will probably be the final mega-shopping opportunity.

Both Wayne and I are struggling to get the button done up on our shorts. I don't need a set of scales to know that I've gained 10-15 lbs since leaving home. I was already on an eating spree before G2 arrived and Grahams love of a big breakfast at Denny's put me over the of my pants that is! We had some spectacular meals while they were here but it's time to pay the piper. I see lots of long walks on the beach the next two weeks!

That's the latest from Texas. It appears that everyone is enjoying a warm spell at home and perhaps that will mean an early, warm Spring. I sure hope so! Until next time, love and hugs to all. xx


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