Monday, January 07, 2008

Day 31 - 29 Jan - Puerto Vallarta

The gang is all here and settled in. Gail and Graham arrived about 4:30 and we had a couple of glasses of wine and while supper cooked, we watched the most amazing sunset. I think of all the places we have been and all the fabulous sunsets we seen, Puerta Vallarta is either at the top of the list or a tie for first...the deepest pinks, mauves and oranges.
I'm going to spend some time reducing the size of some of my photos so that I can get back to including with the blog. Up until we arrived here, the large size has meant that it just takes too long to upload but there is a good connection here so shouldn't be any problem.
One of the photos I want to include is Ty in his 'astronaut' suit that I bought him at the Johnson Space Centre. We mailed it from Brownsville, along with his Davey Crockett hat, and it's so cute on him. Tim tried to get him to wear the peaked cap with NASA on it with the suit for the photo but he wasn't having any of's bad enough he has to parade around in all this foolishness his Honey insists on buying him. It is cute though!
What a wonderful age this is! Carol sent us photos of cousin Sue's new grandson...another cutie...and the ability to keep in touch with people regardless of where you are in the world still amazes me. The internet station is right outside our door and when I looked out tonight there was a man on Skype speaking with his grandson but he also had the video link. Throughout the evening there were various people here with their laptops, all e-mailing family and friends. I'm going to try the Skype again, perhaps tomorrow, as those I heard using it seemed to have a good connection.
I expect we will have a lounge day tomorrow. We are in the same building we were last year but on a different side so are facing a smaller pool...but this baby is heated...about 83 degrees the guy said. Graham has quite a cold so we'll give him a day or so to rest up and then we'll boogie.
Until next time, big hugs to everyone, we love and miss you all.


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