Monday, January 07, 2008

Day 26 - Melaque, MX

Finally found an the least likely place. There's a guy here with a huge mother bus, complete with all the bells and whistles, including satellite. Anyway, he charges 10 pesos for 1/2 hour ($1) so I've downloaded all the blogs from the past week. The process is a bit slow so I haven't added photos to speed up the time.
When I DO get to add some photos though, you won't believe this place. It's called Boca Beach and truly, truly...there are no words to describe it. We've met people here who are in their 10th or more year at this site or one of the others on the beach and it's exactly what you see in movies...long beach, very few people, sand and palm trees everywhere, waves and hot sun.
The beach is spectacular. You can walk out on the sandy bottom forever and the funniest part is...everybody has a boogie board because the waves are so big (and no undertow). Remember, most of the people here are 60+ so I guess it's like the 'Boca Beach Boogie Club for Seniors'.
I woke up this morning to the sound of a group of chickens pecking around the van...they belong to the people who own the place. It's a nice park...nothing elaborate...but clean, plentiful washrooms and showers and water/electrical hook-ups so we are in business. Because we are only 200 kms from Puerto Vallarta, I'm seriously considering coming back for a few day after Gail and Graham leave (sorry guys) but there's still lots of places we want to go so we'll see what happens.
Glad to be back on the 'blog''s like speaking with all of you only better....nobody interrupts! Until late, love and miss you all.


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