Monday, January 07, 2008

Day 29 - Boca Beach to Puerta Vallarta MX

Well, we made it! We left Boca Beach about 10 am and Wayne said, "It will take us approx 4 hrs to drive the 200 kms". I think to myself, "It's taken us longer to go a shorter distance...we'll see!"
We pulled into the RV park here about 5 pm! The only road to Puerto Vallarta...which you would assume would be a good 4-lane highway, blah, blah....was a narrow, 2 lane road which wound up and down and around and around mountains. They were rough and broken, hence the time to drive that distance. We are learning that driving in Mexico is not like driving anywhere else, except maybe Botswana. The key, always, is not to have a specific destination or a time limit to get there and if you do, plan on a day's drive to anywhere.
The nice part of the whole thing was that it was almost like coming home. We felt comfortable driving and I think that issue is that we see recognizable signs and places we know so don't get stressed thinking we are lost. We'd been told by one of our RV mates on where the route around PV was so that we wouldn't have to drive through town and that made the whole process much easier. We even managed to stop and our favourite grocery store, directly across from our resort, and stock up on stuff.
The RV park here was a pleasant surprise. Althought the washrooms still aren't 'awesome', they are very clean and there's lots of hot water for showers. There's a lovely heated pool with a huge gazebo and I could envisions spending an additional week here without any problem. I would say 90% of the people here are from Quebec. The couple next to us, in a huge bus, asked us over for a marguerita, and we talked for awhile about their experiences driving with that huge rig. They had to stay on the larger toll roads and were stopped by the police 3 times because the police felt their bus was too big to travel through some of the smaller towns. They don't speak much English but try very hard and after a drink or two I think we pretend we understand each other better than we do.
We dropped in to our hotel to see if we can get in a day early but the manager isn't here so we'll take the bus us in the morning and see if our room is available. If it isn't then staying in the RV Park one more night isn't a problem...there's a huge washing to do and an inside tidy-up is in order before we let it sit for 2 weeks.
The hotel has installed 3 internet connections this year which is wonderful. Kids, be prepared for the Mother's to have a few glasses of wine and call....that's always pleasant!
Until next time, love to all and we miss you.


At 1:55 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

we really miss you guys, glad that you updated the blog as I thought you were dead and was already planning how I was going to spend my inheritance...but like I said ,glad you are alive. You guys should look into sky diving or something dangerou...I mean exciting


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