Monday, January 07, 2008

Day 27 & 28 - Boca Beach MX

It was a relaxing and beautiful two days in Boca Beach. While Wayne washed the LuvMasheen, I headed down to the beach about 11 am, sat under/around an umbrella until 2 pm and had to come back for something to eat. The whole time I was there I doubt there were a dozen people on the beach, which is 3 miles long.
The waves are high but lots of fun and because there is no under-tow, swimming is enjoyable. I guess because it was the weekend, there were a few Mexican families that have come in to camp and there were a number of surfers….nothing like what we saw in Hawaii though Claire!
The size of the rigs here still amaze me. People have these huge buses that are truly gorgeous but I still have a hard time imagining them negotiating some of the roads unless they are doing all the tolls roads…and then where do they stay? Pulling off onto a road to stay the night isn’t an option here…I’m not sure how safe it is and there just aren’t many places to do that although we’ve been told you can often stay at one of the gov’t owned gas stations which are open all night. I don’t think the gas stations are geared to do that though. The park here, while in a gorgeous location, parks these rigs inches from one another. Some of them that have been coming here for years, have built palapas and by the time they spread themselves out, they are almost touching each other with their canopies. Satellite dishes are on all of them along with patio sets and all other ‘necessities’. A great number of the people here are from Quebec and others from Canada…Cdn rule here!
We’ve had no difficulty shopping and buying all sorts of fresh food. We’d bought some steaks and had them for supper tonight and they were delicious! Fresh fruit and veggies are plentiful and we’ve bought large jugs of water and make sure to wash everything so haven’t had any problems. With my internal system, God knows if there was something going to happen, I’d have felt it by now! I’m looking forward to getting to the hotel in Puerto Vallarta and making ice so that I can start making smoothies with our new blender!
The nights are wonderfully cool for sleeping. I was concerned that the 15 amp service, which is the norm here, wouldn’t allow us to use the air conditioner (which it probably isn’t). However, we haven’t needed it at all. If we could use it, it would be around suppertime when it seems to be warmer but we use the little barbeque outside so it’s never been a problem. Last night Wayne had to pull the comforter up as I had fan going, windows open, etc. but it was pleasant.
We will stay two more days here and then head for Puerto Vallarta on Sunday. There is an RV park there that’s off the beach but has a pool which is all we’ll need for a day or two. Gail & Graham arrive on Tues so we will have a couple of days to get groceries and perhaps settle in to the hotel before they arrive. This year Wayne and I are taking a kitchen unit so that we can have a better breakfast and some suppers in instead of restaurants 3x a day for 2 weeks. The restaurants there are wonderful but sometimes the effort of going out and deciding what to eat gets tedious.
There is good internet service at the hotel so I expect communication will be good. Until next time, love to all.


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