Monday, January 07, 2008

Day 30 - 28 Jan - Puerto Vallarta

We waited around for Miss Maria Piana, manager of the hotel, to see if we could book in to our room. We call her Miss Pina Colada...she's been at this hotel for 27 years and the former hotel for a previous 17 so SHE'S THE BOSS! Strange sense of humour but a nice lady once you get through the ice and sleet. Anyway, she arrived and after some discussion, told us our room was available and we (almost) unpacked the van and moved in.
It was so nice to have that extra day and we can be all settled before Gail and Graham arrive tomorrow. They will be tired after an very early morning and the whole airport thing so I've promised Gail we'll have chilled wine ready for them.
We dropped off 3 weeks worth of wash at the 'launderine'. Mexico isn't big on coin laundramats; there are numerous places where you take it and then pick it up later and pay by the pound. I've never been crazy about someone else doing my laundry but there's not much choice and it had to be done. We also stopped at Walmart...yep, they are everywhere...and a fellow came up to us (American) who says he lives here now and told us not to leave the van at the back of the parking lot unattended. He arranged to have it parked by the garage and got a guy who works there to watch it for us for $5. He said Puerto Vallarta isn't bad by most Mexican standards but the luggage container on the back of the van is just too easy to remove/break in to so better safe than sorry. We agreed.
Our hotel room is excellent. We are in a studio which gives us a kitchen and then living/bedroom area and it backs on to a different pool this time..a bit smaller but heated and much quieter. We like having the kitchen as we spend most days at the pool and we can have our breakfast & lunch there. With the full kitchen, we also have the option of the odd supper in which we all enjoy. I tease Graham about his love for 'snotty' scrambled eggs (he likes them wet) so he'll be able to have the kind of breakfast he most enjoys in the morning. We've found the 'in' place to go for breakfast downtown and try to do that a couple of times during our stay.
The hotel complex looks like it's had a good scrubbing since last year. The ground are meticulous and there is always a lot of activity as far as raking, washing, etc. We all like the fact that there is lots of security as well so leaving the van in the parking area is not a concern at all. I have to admit that although I'm not a huge TV person, it was nice to turn it on and get some news as well as lay in bed and just watch some fluff. I definitely am missing Oprah she okay?
Take care and until next time, we miss and love you all.


At 11:59 AM , Blogger Claire said...

PV - the place of food, drink and love. On our 1st trip, I suggested Cafe de Olla located on Basilio Badillo in old town. Well Doug and I made it there last year and loved it. Two other great places on the same street are Joe Jack's Fish Shack and Agro Gourmet. Enjoy Vallarta and you know we will be thinking of your more often this week with a little envy. LOL


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