Saturday, February 02, 2008

Day 52 - 19 Feb - Puerta Vallarta

Photo: Lynnie with her first (& last) Coco-Loco. It's made with Tequilla, Vodka, and Lime juice. If you finish it, you absolutely believe you can speak Spanish!
I took the crazy bus downtown this morning while Wayne did the beach thing. My primary mission was to finish some of the shopping that I didn't figure I'd have time for since we were leaving....however, the shopping Gods were watching over me and we will be here for a couple more days.

There was a cruise ship in so there were lots and lots of people downtown. I headed for Starbucks...yep, capitalism has reared it's ugly head in a grande capaccino...and sat in the town square and took photos. For some insane reason, people love to feed pigeons! There are hundreds of these poop-machines in the park and there's hardly a square inch that isn't covered in pigeon poop. Because the benchs are pretty clean, it must be a non-stop/make-work project for someone. I guess it's because pigeon feeding is a great way to entertain the kids for a couple of hours that parents will buy a bag of 'something' and let the kids feed the birds and then run through the flock of 300 so the birds will fly over everyone else's heads and poop. I shouldn't complain because it makes for a great photo opportunity.

I had to laugh at this one Asian lady...everytime a flock would be gathered on the ground, she would very carefully walk over it so that she could stand right in the middle of the flock. If the flock moved, so did she. If the flock went to another part of the park to get fed, off she went and did baby-steps until she was right in the middle of it again. That was the best entertainment of the afternoon!

Wayne picked up a cooked chicken and frys at the grocery store so it was supper in front of the television...just like at home. Just as we finished, he jumped up and yelled, "whales out front!" and we burst through the patio doors in time to see two whales jumping out of the water about 5 or 6 times. It looked as if it might have been the Mother & baby again as one seemed to be quite small. They were very close to shore and because it was so misty over the water today, we were lucky to have seen them. No matter how often we do see them, it's always very exciting and still such a novelty to have them 'in our front yard'.

For those on Facebook, I've downloaded a couple of albums. The internet is a real convenience here but very slow so downloading takes quite a while and I find I get very selective about what photos I do download. It's just about time to move everything to a CD as I've taken over 1500 photos in the last month...not including the first iteration of deletes.

Time to close and finish uploading some books on tape for my MP3 which has become my sleeping pill. Mind you, I have one ear that looks like a cauliflower from trying to turn over at night and I usually do wake up and turn it off.

Until next time, our love to you all.


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