Saturday, February 02, 2008

Day 51 - 18 Feb - Puerta Vallarta

Photo: The Parents out whale watching. Don't let Wayne's empty hand fool you...he was having rum punch as well.
Two things occurred to me today: #1 - when I look in the mirror, there's something different--I don't quite recognize myself. I finally figured it out this morning. Firstly, I'm more tanned than I've ever been in my life, sort of Sandra Ostrouty tanned and secondly, MY EYEBROWS HAVE DISAPPEARED! This has been a 'make-up free zone' for the last month so I'm not sure where the hell my eyebrow pencil is anyway but I think I'm starting to resemble an Albino. Even my little mustache has bleached out (and that's good news). #2 - We just don't want to leave yet. We know that once we get about 50 kms north of PV the temperature is going to start to drop and that is just not kosher. So.....we've talked to Miss Pina Colada to see if she can do something. We can have our room until mid-week and then it's rented so it's either stay for 3 more days in our room and then leave PV or move to another room and stay an additional week. I hate the thoughts of moving but it will come down to what kind of room she offers as an alternative.

The van is half-packed but while we were sitting having supper last night we tried to figure out just why we were leaving? There are other places we want to see and visit but, some of those places are cool bordering on cold and may have the Grand Canyon. More to follow but I think we'll stay the extra 3 days for sure and then who knows......
The days take on a schedule of their own..I even hate to use the word schedule! Wayne is usually up between 3-4 am and sneaks out to read the news on the internet. He crawls back into bed about 5 am. I get up around 7:15, make my tea and go out on the patio to chant my matra (Hm-m-m-m NO BOOTS, NO COAT, NO SNOW, Hm-m-m). Wayne gets up and marks his territory on the beach early in the morning with his towel. It's not because it's crowded but there's one 'soft' lounge chair and he wants it! By the time coffee and toast are consumed, we head for our respective areas (I prefer the pool) and unless we want to go downtown, we're there until supper. I will sometimes get on the crazy bus and go downtown to browse or take photos for a couple of hours mid-day (which is what I plan on doing today). We've done all the touristy things and are reluctant to take the van on the road, to check out local villages, until it's absolutely necessary. This reminds me of being on a cruise can be as busy or as lazy as you choose. We seem to be opting for the lazy choice.
There is a bull fight every Wed night and I think I'll go to take some photos. No...there won't be any of the 'final moment' fact, I'll close my eyes or look the other way but I love the pomp and ceremony...and the matador's costumes...and the first part, when the bull is fresh and full of p&v and the matador is swinging his cape, it's quite beautiful. We'd gone to see the mega spectacular when we were in Spain and Claire & I went the first year we were here. Except for the last third of each fight, which is awful and I don't watch, the colour, music, and ceremony is great. I expect I'll be doing this on my own as Wayne isn't keen on the whole thing. Me...I'm just doing it for my 'art'.
Until next time, keep those snow-blowers running and don't give up hope! The sun will return when we do! We love and miss you all.


At 7:03 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I vote stay - stay. Although we didn't get the storm that they predicted it snowed here again on and off all day. However, its not all that bad - I just looked out the window and the moon has created a wonderland of sparkle on the new snow.

Take heart I picked up the new Martha Stewart magazine and I couldn't believe it - there before my eyes were the first rhubarb recipes - the first sure sign of Spring.


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