Saturday, February 02, 2008

Day 48 - 15 Feb - Puerta Vallarta

Photo: One of the sand sculptures on the Malacon. This one is huge (see sister sculpture on Facebook) and the detail is incredible.
We were slugs today! Other than mailing a few postcards and unsuccessfully roving the mall for shoes, we simply moved from chair to chair depending on whether we were hot from the sun or too cold getting out of the pool. It was great!

I'd originally thought about going downtown tonight...Friday night in the big city...but just couldn't muster up the energy. ha ha. Besides, we've booked an all-day whale watching tour for tomorrow and need all the extra energy to sit on the boat, eat and drink and perhaps do some snorkling--if we aren't too tired! We haven't seen any whales from the hotel in the past week but I'm hoping they are getting fed up with the jet skis, para-sailing boats, cruise ships, etc and have headed out a little farther in the bay. This is a 9-5pm trip so I'm guessing we will have time to venture out into the bay and no doubt they have these new fangled fish finder things. With any luck, tomorrow I will have a good whale photo to post with the blog.

While at the mall (Claire, it's 4x the size it was the first year) I met a lady from Alberta and we ended up talking for an hour. She has been coming here for a few years and has confirmed a rumour we've heard from a few people that the condo owners are being pressured to sell as a developer wants to come in and build some high rise condos. What a disappointment that would be! Many years ago this was a coconut plantation, hence the beautiful mature palm trees and there's quite a bit of property here so much be valuable. The attraction here is that there is so much green vice concrete that is back off the highway and when you are sitting on your patio facing the ocean, there is only the sound of the waves. Having been up and down the beach a number of times, as well as in town, I really can't say there's any other resort that would attract us as much and I doubt we'd have PV on our vacation list. There are some gorgeous hotels but this is almost like having your own private, quiet apartment, which is what draws us back. However, all that may not happen for a while yet and we may get another year or two back here.

We are actually considering staying for yet another week...we'll decide tomorrow. I'm of two minds...I'd love to bask in the sun and sit down on the Malacon and people watch for another week but I'm starting to look forward to being on the road again. The difficulty is that as we drive further north, it will get a bit cooler although I notice the temperature in Arizona is starting to climb again. Decisions, decisions....we have a couple of days yet.

Wayne is so dark now he's starting to look like a Mexican. He's begun reading novels again...and not just 'how to' books so instead of just sleeping on the beach, he sitting and reading and getting more and more tanned. I'm too impatient to sit for too long and get too hot anyway but the pool is so inviting and I cool off and content to sit for a while longer. I know I'm getting tanned but not in the same category as he is.
It's time to hit the sack...busy day tomorrow. Take care everyone, we are thinking about you and love you all. Till next


At 6:17 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

We are waiting for yet another storm on Sunday. This one could be messy as it is going to be mixed with lots of freezing rain. Its time again to get out the ole roof rake as snow is building on the roof at a fast pace. Bernie Brule fell off his roof yesterday, at home, and broke his hip. Scott Chamberlain take note. It is nice to see your lovely pictures and read about sitting on the beach as it takes our minds off this trying winter.


At 7:00 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hard to believe you guys are coming up to two months away! The groundhog predicted an early spring but the weatherman (equal in reliability) says February will close out with snow every couple of days. No novels, tanning and restaurants here, it's all snowblower, whining, thermostat checking and snowplow cursing. Oh, and just so you don't feel bad Dad, the wheel fell off my snowblower right after it found my Blackberry buried in the snow (i guess it had fallen out of my pocket earlier.) I can't figure out if I more impressed with the fact that it survived or disappointed with the snowblower and the fact that it didn't chew it up into 1000 pieces!
I'm in Ottawa next week on business so I am eager to stop by the house, log onto Dad's computer and see the latest balance sheet of your trip on Quicken, which Dad has no doubt been updating since you left! Staying an extra week seems to be an easier decision than which magazine on the back of the toilet to read!
In honour of family day I have two major plans for the weekend; take Ty tobagganning, and send Kevin and Kate's xmas parcel. I hope I get both done. Take care guys, we miss you both, why don't you just buy a place down there (then we can visit!)
Love the Georgetown Corkums


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