Saturday, February 02, 2008

Day 47 - 14 Feb - Puerta Vallarta

Happy Valentine's Day! It's as big a deal here as it is at home and it was funny to see all the male tourists in the grocery store today buying flowers for their Valentine's. I was very pleased to get a dozen roses from my special Valentine...I know our maid was impressed!

It was a pretty quiet and laid-back day. Wayne wanted to read so I headed to the bus stop and went to the most interesting store up the road. Each year we've been here I've said I wanted to go in a browse and today I did.'ll know the one I mean near the's a huge building and the entire front yard is filled...and I mean filled...with huge iron sculptures (bulls 6 ft high, giraffes, Mexican peasants), massive ornate bird cages, enormous clay pots, and lots of other stuff. Inside is jammed with pottery, furniture of every description, Mexican tile, fabric...and more. The furniture has to been seen to be believed and it's all manufactured can watch them make it. They also have an artist on site who does the painting. One large table that seats six was painted bright yellow. The middle of the table had all been carved to resemble a coral reef that was made up of various corals and tropical fish painted in their own colour. Each of the chair backs was carved the same. It was gorgeous but that kind of stuff only looks good in this climate. Somehow I can't imagine Xmas dinner at that table in Ottawa! There were similiar items like headboards and dressers, carved and painted with flowers. I wandered there for a couple of hours before getting tired of listening to the girl tell me it would be so-o-o-o easy to have my purchase packed and shipped to Canada.

On the way back I went in to the shopping centre across the street to pick up a few fresh veggies and look through the shoe shops! If you love shoes, Mexico is definitely the place to come! I'm amazed that there are so many shops and they all sell different shoes...rarely over $25. Mexico produces two things that are outstanding...leather and silver. Yes, I've bought a couple of pairs of sandals and I expect that secret hiding place I kept empty in the LuvMasheen can handle a couple of more pairs. I'm almost sorry I'm retired and no longer wearing dress shoes/heels as the selection is beyond belief and they are beautiful. I've never seen so many pairs of gold and silver shoes...Mexicans love 'em...and certainly if we were real party-goers, I'd pick up a few pair as they are so cheap.

The afternoon was spent under a thatched palapa on the beach, reading and watching the sailboats drift by. We are both getting very tanned but trying not to be in the sun during the hottest part of the day. I love the heated's still refreshing but doesn't take your breath away when you get in.

I hope you all get some hugs and kisses from your special person. We send our love to you all and enjoy your comments. Until next time, keep those goloshes dry!


At 7:45 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy Valentine's Day back at yeah from Barbados. We are so glad you are having a great holiday--don't rush back home. We spent the day with our cousins,the Nidds, swimming in the ocean during the day and Michael went to the fish market and surprised us with supper, he cooked fresh swordfish and red snapper right off the boat. Can't believe we have been here for almost two months. Enjoy your time in the sun. Sandy & Bill


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