Saturday, February 02, 2008

Day 44 & 45 - Puerta Vallarta

Photo: Mexican version of a convertible!
(On Day 45) It's 0-Dark-30 in the morning. I guess Wayne and I are napped, dozed, slept-out because we are both up early and clickity-clackity on our computers. I'm totally out of cinq on what's happening at home--haven't heard, seen or read any Cdn news and have to admit, I'm not missing it much. Only bad stuff anyway. G2 leave for home after lunch and we've all said the 2 weeks has flown by which always indicates a successful holiday. I guess they will arrive home to freezing cold and more snow which is a bummer. Every year we've had to experience that Wayne and I have managed to stay home for a few weeks and then the misery of the winter forces us on another trip. This year, we are just bypassing that few weeks of misery and not going home! I love the compromise.

We had planned to go to Bogart's for supper last night but the taxi driver informed us it was closed. This was a real disappointment as it was such a novel place. It was a huge restaurant and outside looked like the Taj Mahal...inside was draped and furnished to resemble Casablanca, including waiters in Fez' and a huge white grand piano on a pedistal with "Humphrey Bogart" playing tunes. I'm guessing that because it was too far away from the downtown core, it just couldn't make the cut financially.

We ended up going down to the big marina which was a nice change; although we'd driven by it numerous times, we'd never been in there. It's quite a community. There's a huge marina with hundreds of million-dollar boats and the entire marina is surrounded by condos. However, the floor level is stores, boutiques, galleries and restaurants so our only problem was deciding which restaurant to visit. We ended up going to Portebello's...a wonderful Italian place owned and operated by 2 Cdn guys who came for a holiday in 1989 and decided this was the place to live and work. It was totally filled by 8 pm with Cdn/US people. Gail said her pasta was the best she'd ever had and we were all impressed with our respective dinners. We walked for a couple of hours afterwards, drooling at some of the yahts moored in the water. Some of them are 3-4 stories high and no doubt the inside has the same square footage as a medium to large sized townhouse.

We are all very tanned...yes Carl, I'm lathering the #30 with abandonment...although I think Wayne gets the prize for the best overall colour. One of the best parts of Mexico at this time of year is that there's no humidity so while it can be very hot in the sun, as soon as you step into the shade, it's cool and comfortable. We haven't even had to turn the air conditioner on at night and sleep with just the overhead fan on.

Must go and make that second cup of tea and get seated for the sunrise ceremony (my own version of giving thanks for not having to wear winter boots)! Until next time, we love and miss you all. Hugs and kisses to everyone.


At 4:17 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad to see you are lathering youself with the appropriate sun lotion, although from your previous days blog and the comment about having to loosen your bra I'm guessing you may have more lathering to do than normal - ha.


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