Saturday, February 02, 2008

Day 42, & 43 - Puerta Vallarta

Photo: Sunset from El Panorama restaurant above Puerta Vallarta

We've just waddled back from supper at the French restaurant next door. As expected, the food was marvelous but clothing is really starting to get uncomfortable. While most people have to undo the waistband of their pants, I have to undo a couple of hooks on my own portable scale! I've been thinking that my back has been gloriously free of pain but then I remember I haven't been off my backside for any length of time or done anything that might have created any stress on it. The first week at home unpacking, washing laundry etc. should be fun!

G2 are in their last two days here so we have tried to do some of the things that they wanted to do before having to say goodbye to Mexico. Honestly, for the sake of our friendship, we ARE trying not to rub in the fact we aren't leaving.

Last night we went back to El Panorama on the hill above Puerta Vallarta for dinner. Our waiter, William (aka Willy) hails from the US mid-west and has been there for 18 years. The view and the food would be enough to take a person back but Willy is quite a character and very obliging. Case in the end of a very memorable meal, we all ordered specialty coffees. After watching the big preparation at our table, Gail thought the correct coffee had not been given to the right person. We got that all figured out but as compensation Willy gave us all a 3 oz shooter (flaming) and a frozen liqueur sherbert thingee. This all followed wine with dinner and by the time we left we were very, very happy people. I think we were all a little quieter than normal this morning and it wasn't a hard decision to sit and read most of the day.

Tomorrow is G2's last full day so we will head downtown to Freddie Toucan's for a monster breakfast and then try and walk it off the rest of the morning visiting some of the stores we've missed until now...can't be many left.

The weather continues to be magnificant and I'm usually sitting outside with my tea by 7:30 in the morning, watching the sun come up and trying to figure out how I could afford to buy a small apartment here to live 6 months of the year. Nothing in our experiences so far have diminished our love for Mexico.

Until next time, love and hugs to everyone.


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