Saturday, February 02, 2008

Day 39, 40, 41 - Puerta Vallarta

We are trying to list all those things we want to do before leaving and spreading it out so that it doesn't conflict with beach, pool, napping. It's a tough life we are living here!

I vaguely remember Day 39...that's because I woke up at 8 am, napped from 3-6 pm, and dozed by the pool in between. We went to our favourite little French restaurant next door and a la Sandy & Bill, have now ascented to the lofty heights of having the owner recognize us from previous years. Although the waiters are Mexican, they have learned to say, Bonjour and Au Revoir so feel the restaurant is authentic. The food certainly is authentic as is the service we receive...the only difference is the price of the dinner. So reasonable that it's almost a sin.

The following night we made a return visit to John Houston's former residence (which he willed to the Mexican gov't) for the Rhythm of the Night production. For those who don't remember my previous years' rave review it went like this.....we took a 1 hr boat ride which included all the free drinks you can hold, some energetic entertainment by the boat crew, a beautiful dinner on the beach (free wine) and the most amazing show that depicts an Aztec wedding. The dancers were beautiful, lots of fire, drums, gorgeous costumes and then a wild party boat to return to Puerta Vallarta. If you come here, this trip has to be on the top of the list.

We decided yesterday should be a day to expand our horizons so made plans to take the bus to Bucerias...a small town about 20 minutes north of here. We took the local (crazy) bus to Walmart and for 10 pesos, or $1, we got on to a much more luxurious bus for the ride to the town. Now, Wayne and I spent 3 weeks travelling the winding roads and dealing with crazy Mexican drivers but we forgot that Gail & Graham (from this point on to be known as G2) hadn't had the same pleasure. Anyway, the bus took us on a very fast ride....but he forgot to stop in Bucerias! For $1 we ended up in Punta Mita, another smaller village about an hour up the road. I knew we'd gone through Bucerias but (devil that I am) wanted to see just how far you can go on a Mexican bus for one buck! We may have been able to go farther but this was the end of the road for the bus so had no choice but to exit. We had lunch in a wonderful little restaurant on the beach and then boarded the return bus to our original location...yep, for another dollar! Once there, we wandered the town and the flea market and enjoyed the sights and back on the bus for the ride home. G2 enjoyed the day but one more bus ride would have done them in!

It had been such a busy day that we went in to Walmart and picked up 4 NY surloin steaks ($12) and about 3 lbs of fresh shimp ($10) and came home for a relaxing dinner vice doing the restaurant thing. All in all, it continues to be a great holiday. I have to say, part of that enjoyment is looking at the weather report at home and being glad we aren't there right now.

Colin sent us a halarious e-mail on his trials and tribulations in trying to keep driveways cleared of snow and getting the damn snow-blower to work in between storms. Thank God for father-in-laws who have the knowledge and the desire to help their kids...thanks Al! Until next time, we love and miss you all!


At 3:50 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Honey.. I am sitting here on the sofa with Ty nestled into my side. He just saw your picture and got very excited and of course he pointed and said "that is Honey". I was just catching up on your blog entries as I was quite behind. Sounds like all of you are having a wonderful time!!

We are all fine. Ty has just come down with something as of yesterday (103 temp last night) and not too happy today. But we are old pros at this now...Tim was downtown at the box tonight to see Detroit play Toronto...

We miss you all...
Kim and Ty


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