Saturday, February 02, 2008

Day 32, 33, & 34 - Puerta Vallarta

We've settled in to quite a routine, which is both welcomed and relaxing. We sit outside and have breakfast, change into our bathing suits and lounge by the pool and after napping, snoozing, doozing and oh yes, tanning, we plan supper and then head for our respective rooms by 9 pm. It's a tough life. We have decided though that it's time to branch out and see some of the things we enjoyed last year so I expect the activity level will increase.
On the plane down here, Gail sat next to a girl who has been coming for a long time and knows the area quite well. She gave Gail a list of restaurants to visit and last night was our first try at some of her recommendations.
The first, and most exciting, was the Burro Bar in Old Town. It's on the beach and apparently later in the evening, when things start jumping, certain activities in the bar can require you to ride a burro around the place...sounds interesting. It may not be bull riding but may have to become the next best thing! Anyway, we are sitting on this beach bar, drinking 'Miami Vice', which is a large, tall glass half filled with pina colada and half strawberry daquerie (yummy) and someone yelled..."whales". About 100 yards off shore was a mother and calf, frolicking across the bay. The mother would breach out of the water and while the boats gathered in relatively close proximity to them, the whales would just lounge at the top of the water and watch those crazy humans watching them. The boats didn't get too close...all that stuff is closely monitored by authorities...but we had an exciting show for an hour or so. The surf is very high and rough in the bay and there were lots of kids boogie boarding, but they wear flippers to help keep navigate themselves away from the shore and the mega sand-burn they might get if they crash too closely to shore.
We took a taxi up to El Panorama restaurant and had the most wonderful dinner overlooking the city. It was one of the recommendations Gail had gotten and a real winner. The owner or manager is from Colorado. The service was second to none and the prices were very reasonable.
Today, Day 35, we are going to sit down and decide the week's activities as time is flying by quickly and we haven't even gotten a shopping excusion in yet! I've also got to get in to 'photo' mode and get my cameras out.
Until next time, love and hugs to everyone.


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