Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Addendum 23 Sep 2014

We left our mountain lodge after another hearty breakfast. I have to admit my tummy was bit 'icky' so didn't eat more than a piece of toast but I think it's a matter of 'intake' greater than 'output' so will take it a bit easy for the next day or so.

We drove about 4 hrs down and around Mt Kenya, through fertile land which is farmed in small plots (if one is lucky to get a plot) and through small communities that are filled with people. Their 'business section' a row of shacks that might be built of concrete blocks or individual wooden shacks that defy all logic is standing upright. Garbage is burned on the side of the street or in small concrete block things...problem is the cows that wander along the side of road grazing try to eat leftovers while evading the hot coals.

I CURSE THE DAY THE FIRST PLASTIC BAG CAME OFF THE ASSEMBLY LINE!!!! There is limited, if any, garbage collection and the number of plastic bags in the fields, along the roads, around houses, is extreme! It is worse than Mexico I think. Like Mexico though, Africa is not yet able to understand how pollution is damaging the fragile ecosystem the people are inhabiting. I am concerned that despite the assistance provided to Africa, it is rapidly destroying itself. I thought I would be driving for miles through uninhabited land to reach the game parks. Up to now we have only had to go off the main highway a few miles to get to fenced areas where the 'wild' animals live. As the population increases the amount of land available for the animals can only diminish.

There is a lot of Aids/HIV clinics, even in the small areas and Sam has said the govt is making a concerted effort to get it under control. Anyone can go in for a free test and young women are encouraged to have a test before they become pregnant. He said the difficulty in Africa is that most of the governments in the countries are very inept and until their children are educated and become the leaders, there will continue to be problems.

We arrived at the Lake Elmenteita Camp and were greeted with hot towels and sparkling wine. Holy Mother of Luxury Tent Resorts!!! The entire camp is a tent from the lobby/dining building to the small buildings that hold the fire hoses. We got to our room and our jaws dropped...beauty beyond belief!

Corky and I both elected to miss supper...we were just too full. About an hour after dinner ended, the night manager came to our building to 'check the phone' but in reality, was concerned as to why we didn't come to supper. She had one of the staff bring us down a tray of cheese and crackers and then another boy came down with hot water bottles and turn down the beds. God, I have GOT to win the lottery!

We are meeting at 8 am tomorrow and being taken for a camp breakfast. Can't wait. Until next time, love and hugs to all. xx


At 6:59 PM , Anonymous Carol said...

Very interesting re the population. Take as much pampering as you can.


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