Saturday, January 21, 2012

Saturday, 21 Jan 2012--Nashville, Tenn

Happy 2nd Birthday to my little Angel, Gillian! It seems hard to believe that two years has gone by so quickly and the amount of joy that she has given us in that time is immeasurable. Although her father likes to give us a hard time about never being with her on her birthday, we celebrate her every day of the year and she's in our hearts every minute.

It rained most of the morning and the trucks certainly made for hard driving for a while. The sun did peak through for a bit until we started to climb back into the Appalatian Mts and then it just became thick fog (which I slept through). We pulled into the hotel in Nashville about 5pm and I doubt we'll leave the room until morning.

After listening to country music on the car radio for the past two days, neither Wayne nor I are in a hurry to get to the Grand Ol Opry to listen to more...the pox on us, I know. According to the schedule, Vince Gill is performing tonight. Now, if Keith Urban was there...that would be a different matter! We are saving ourselves for tomorrow when we hit Memphis. Although I can't say I was a screamer for Elvis, I cannot go home and face Bob Scott without having visited Graceland. We are even going to stay in the Heartbreak Hotel for good measure and I'm anticipating buying a t-shirt for the kids that says 'my Grandmother visited Graceland and all I got was this t-shirt' or, even better, 'my Grandmother calls me her Hunka-Hunka Burning Love' (I just made that up...I like it)!

It's cool and damp outside, although we have left our coats in the car so that's some improvement. I'm not sure if they get snow..I'm guessing it happens sometimes..but there is no evidence of it right now and the elevation here is relatively high.

We've passed a few trailers heading South..less now that we've changed from the main interstate going to Florida to this one heading West. We have passed a few Roadtreks and my heart still skips a beat when I see one. The first major purchase from our mega-lottery win will go to the Roadtrek dealer! We are still seeing far too many huge 5th-wheelers with little old men peeking up over the steering wheel. I'm not sure how they manage those big's a lot of work!

Not much else happening today. Hopefully I will soon start having some photos to post as well. Until next time, love and hugs to all. xx


At 9:43 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Graceland is on my Bucket List, but probably not on Al's !!
I had fun watching Gillian at the Wave Pool today with cupcakes for a snack with Mike & Leah & kids.
Al & I went there for Pizza & cake which Gillian loved. I have to tell Wayne how much Gillie Bean loves her new rocker/chair/desk. She slides in & out of it with ease !!!
Safe travels...

At 5:22 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

O-M-G! You are staying at the frickin'Heart Break Hotel and going to Graceland today?? So jealous!!!

Gillian loved her presents Honey, thank you! She is sitting here with me and says 'Hi Honey...Nunny and Poppa'. She had a great birthday yesterday but we are going to take it easy today. Hope your trup continues to go well. Talk soon, Love Jen xo

At 7:13 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

As you know Bob has a rock from Elvis' stone fence wall at Graceland. Would it be too much to ask if you could bring back a matching rock or it might be nice to know if they filled in the hole? Perhaps a discreet inquiry as to how much they would pay him to bring the rock back - maybe a night at Graceland? Carl & Bob


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