Monday, January 23, 2012

Monday, 23 Jan 2012, Arkadelphia, Arkansa

It's been a busy day of discovering every, single thing Elvis ever did but we had a good time and very glad we've been one of the 7 billion people adding to Prescilla's coffers. Seriously, I'm glad we got here and saw it all...doing it in summer with thousands of people in the heat would have been awful but there were very few people so we had a chance to stand around and actually read some of the stuff in the display cases. It's been very well done actually.
The house itself is small, by today's celebrity standards and it's definitely a walk down 1970 memory lane...shag carpeting everywhere. I had to laugh when we went down to the basement where the 'rec room' and pool room was and it was wood panelling that had been painted...I don't feel quite so bad now. The tour does not go upstairs as the family wanted to keep that portion private...I mean, didn't he die in the bathroom? The big jet was quite interesting--I'm betting it was quite a showpiece when he bought it in 1975 but really didn't have much time to enjoy it. There were costumes he wore on stage everywhere and I tried talking Wayne into getting one (in a poor man's version) for $2000 in one of the gift shops. Overall, the whole thing made me kind of sad..what a waste of a life..he was only 42 and who knows where he could have gone had he not got caught up in the craziness he did.
We boogied on through Little Rock as we are anxious to get to Fort Worth/Dallas while the weather is nice...rain is forecasted for the next few days.
I cannot get photos to upload on the blog..I think it has something to do with updating my browser or eliminating*t, I say...I'll figure it out but in the meantime, I'll put them on facebook.
Take care, and until next time, I'm just TCB!!! (That's Elvis-speak for Taking Care of Business). Love and hugs to all. xx


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