Saturday, January 31, 2009

Day 33-Sat, 31 Jan 09-Malibu, Calif

I didn't move much or go far today. By 11 am it was at least 80 degrees and while Wayne decided to go on a long hike through the canyon trails, I sat on my ever-fattening butt and gave myself a pedicure. All was not lost!
We put the canopy out on the LuvMasheen which shaded the inside. Because there is absolutely no humidity at this time of year, once you step in to the shade, it is quite cool so it's a continuing game of move the chair when it gets too hot, move again when it gets too cool. It saves on the sunburn. However, even in the van there are 'chores' so the fridge got cleaned out and a couple of loads of laundry. We're good to hit the road again.

We think we are heading for Big Sur tomorrow. It's probably a two-day drive, stopping frequently to see all the sites and there's a few wonderful state parks along the way. The couple that pulled in with a Roadtrek a few sites up from us just came down that way and apparently there are large groups of elephant seals along the beach which we are anxious to see again. We had come across them on our first trip here a few years ago and I'm anxious to spend some time photographing them. At some point we have to start back in to Arizona but as long as the weather holds here, we want to take advantage of it. There's so much to see and we are so lucky to be able to enjoy the coastline in ideal weather. We've already decided that the distance we go in a day really isn't's what we see...and staying 2-3 days at beautiful RV sites is relaxing and enjoyable.

If we do stay at a few state parks, we won't have internet to enjoy so blogging may be sporatic for the next weeks or so. Until next time, love and hugs to all.xx


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