Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Day 30-Wed, 28 Jan 09-San Diego, Calif

We were at Balboa Park by 9:30 am and walked and gawked until 3 pm. I took pictures of everything that didn't move..and a few things that did..and left feeling satisfied that I'd had a day to wander and ponder. It was great.

It was a very cool night but we woke to the sun shining and by 10 am I had started to peel off my hoodie and look for shady spots. It's still early in the tourist season so other than hoards of school kids, it wasn't crowded at the park at all. I just kept heading in the opposite direction the kids were going and rarely saw them...heard them, but hardly saw them.

I never go to Balboa Park that I don't marvel at the architecture. There is so much scroll and decorative plaster work on the buildings that whatever museum is inside is almost secondary to the outside. Even the Skillen plasterers would have been impressed.

We are on the move again tomorrow, haven't decided where yet but if the weather report is as good as predicted, it will probably north up the Pacific coast. We'll see.

Until next time, love and hugs to all. xx


At 7:02 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Must you taunt us with the spring flower picture!



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