Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Day 22, Tues, 20 Jan 09-Tuscon,AZ to Benson, AZ

After getting some information on longer-term rental at the Tuscon RV Resort, we decided to move on. The rental charges are pretty steep ($2700 mo) added to the fact the resort is so big...too big. It's like a small city and without transportation, getting from one end to the other is a major accomplishment. We'll keep looking.
We did a return trip to Tombstone and had another wander through the cemetery where some of the participants, ie deceased participants, of the OK Corral shoot-out are buried along with about 200 other people, including Old Man Clanton. Since we were last here, they have done a lot of work to clean it up and fix some of the gravesite as well as making a 'map' of the graves. It's a pretty kitchy town and every other house was Wyatt Earp's and a shoot-out on main street happens twice a day.
On the way to Tombstone however, we had stopped at Kartchner Caverns State Park and while we were interested in going on another cave tour, we were interested in the camping sites. The park isn't too big but the location is spectacular. The camp sites sit at the base of the Whetstone Mtns and it would be quite a site when you step bleary eyed out of the van early in the morning. I find that many of the State Parks don't match some of their descriptions but this was totally the opposite...it was far more beautiful that the description.
We are staying at a KOA in Benson and as soon as we went to the office to register, we both realized we had been here last year and it was run by an Asian couple who don't have really good organization skills. The office is filled with all kinds of junk and so unlike every other KOA we've ever stayed at that we're amazed it's still part of the chain. Obviously, the big guns from KOA don't make it to Benson very often to check on their partners. However, it's clean and had a laundry room, which was at the top of our priority list for today. We've decided to stay here two nights, just veg a bit tomorrow and clean up and re-organize before moving on. There are a few more parks in the area that look interesting and then we'll probably head for the Phoenix area.
We watched the inaguration this morning and I continue to be impressed by Obama. What an orator! Whatever the future brings from his hand, this was an historic day and I'm glad I was able to witness it.
Until tomorrow, love and hugs to all. xx


At 4:45 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Mrs. C,
Heather and Peter are here with me tonight, and Heather suggests you check out Tubac, Arizona. It has beautiful markets of pottery and is an artisan area. Also suggests that you check out Tubac Country Inn, a B&B in the historic area of Tubac. Add that to your bucket list if you haven't already.
Mrs. C.


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