Saturday, January 05, 2008

Day 7 - 5 Jan - Jamaica Beach, TX to nowhere

We decided that since we'd arrived after dark last night, we needed (and deserved) a day where the LuvMasheen caught it's breath and we had a look around. The sun came out, then it clouded over and rained and repeated that all day. The owners do a breakfast on the weekend so we started the day with waffles and donuts...breakfast of champions...and lots of hot coffee.

We walked across the road and spent some time wandering the beach looking at all the houses, sea shells, and other flotsam that has come up on the beach. Some of the houses are gorgeous and there seems to be a big rental business here so that you can rent by the day/week/month. After an hour or so the clouds came in and we figured that it was nap time anyway, so headed back before the showers started.

Ron, (owner) told us that there was a pond and large bay about a half mile behind the park and he had built a half-hearted blind to watch the cranes, if we were interested. As we walked up to the fence, he came out and told us to look in the back yard, there were two Sand Hill Cranes right behind our van....shades of Long Lake deer....I managed to get a couple of photos of them before they saw me and flew off. We did walk back to the pond but clouds and rain drove us home....not before we saw 4 more cranes fly by us. We made one more trip back just before supper and other than some nice sunset photos, didn't get any crane pictures.

However, the trip back was not without it's that my life or what? As we were walking along the path I looked up and saw a herd of longhorn cows in the bush ahead (and a big bull), blocking our path. Now, I'm not totally uncomfortable with domestic animals but these Mother's were B-I-G and they had B-I-G horns. What I didn't (and still don't) know these guys behave like our cows at home, or, have these monsters been left out on the range for months now and are so pissed off that they want to charge and kill anything on 2 feet? Wayne the Brave took charge and just walked up and told them to "go home" and they trotted off. Me, I was behind some bushes by the pond, ready to jump in if they had charged. All I could think of was, "What would Carl do if she was here?" Peeing my pants came to mind. ha ha

We are enjoying your comments and nice to know you are sharing our trip. Love to everyone following us, we miss you already....but not enough to come back home. It's going to be 80 degrees here tomorrow! It will probably be a day to wander around Galveston as there is a district with some beautiful Victorian homes I'm told as well as a park w/gardens, etc.


At 4:58 AM , Blogger Claire said...

Doug and I are enjoying your daily report and almost feel as though we are along with you for the ride of a lifetime. Stay warm and dry and don't take any bull.

At 7:43 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Carl would have used you for a shield. I would be more worried that it was "rutting" season.



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