Monday, October 15, 2007

The Squirrel and I

Anyone who know me will tell you I love nature. My garden is my pride and joy; I religiously fill my bird feeders (only in winter); love to see trees preserved; and will stop on any highway to move a turtle. But I have an ongoing war...a serious 3-megaton-war...with the hairly rats called 'squirrels'.

It started 20 years ago when I set up my first slab-style feeder to watch birds after having major surgery and needing something besides my scar to look at for 2 months. Within hours, the squirrels had discovered this new cache of food and completely cleaned it out before I ever saw a single bird! The war was on! By the end of the first week, I was hiding behind the doorframe, pea-shooter at the ready, to try and give one of those little rats an real 'ass-zinger'. Luckily for the squirrels, my aim was less than accurate so no serious damage ever occurred...except that I nearly choked to death on a mouthful of peas...but it started what was to become as "The Squirrel Wars".

I don't believe for a second that squirrels are the dumbest rodents on the earth (definitely above earth worms) and I'll bet they can pass info down from one generation to know...genetic for the last 2 decades the battle has continued and I find I'm just moving slower (the broom has replaced the pea-shooter), and they are getting faster. There are now 3 'regulars'--a red one, a black one, and a grey one (I saw the grey and black squirrels doing some 'funny business' in the tree so there may be some Dalmatian ones next year--who knows).

When I launch myself through the patio doors, broom raised and ready to throw/smack/poke, and yelling something like, "Bugger, outta here, s-s-s-s-s-s-s", it's really a sight to behold! The neighbours love it--most of them are old and retired like us so any entertainment is welcomed to break up the day--although it's not a pretty sight in the early morning.

The squirrels have a new gymnastic routine this year and I'm almost enjoying it. They sneak up the railing, eyes on the lookout for me, and when I blast out the door they do a flying leap into the hedge, about 3 ft. I may be solely responsible for creating a new species--the Non-Flying squirrel who isn't supposed to fly but does (when threatened with a broom by a crazy woman). One of these days there's going to be an impaled squirrel in the hedge--I feel bad, but war is hell!


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