Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Surprise!! Xmas is Coming!!

I turned on City Line this morning and it was the first Xmas decorating special of the year. As one of the decorators said, "Why, in November, are we so surprised that Christmas is just around the corner?" I think it's because a decade ago, we used to have snow, lots of snow, by the end of November so it all followed in sequence. These days we just closing up the pool (Global Warming?? poo-poo!)

I l-o-v-e Christmas...and everything that goes with it. The more glitz and glitter, the better. I admit there's an increased stress level with wanting to have the glass balls on the tree match the glass balls in the living room vase but when it's all done, I enjoy the whole scene more than anyone I may be wanting to impress. Honestly, it's all for me...and it just works out that my friends and family enjoy it as well.

I go overboard with everything at Christmas...decorating, shopping, baking, wrapping, etc. and for many years I was the one suffering from the big red nose or coughing uncontrollablywhile opening gifts. I'm sure it had something to do with all the partying, working, shopping, and non-stop decorating for the 40 days before Xmas. Honestly, there's not many photos of me sitting around the tree with a cup of eggnog...I was always half-dead! That whole scenerio has changed. I'm still pretty hyper but I start the whole process a lot earlier. It helps that I'm a shopping addict.

This year, with the big trip scheduled in the LuvMasheen, there's more than the usual pressure to get everything up and ready so that I, repeat, ME, can get some enjoyment out of it before it's taken down and packed away for next year. I'm no fool...I fully expect that when we arrive home in mid-Apr or whenever, there will still be a nativity set or wreath that I didn't put away before the RV pulled out.

The whole point of this is that once the television show started, I could feel the urge...no the need...to get the glue gun out and start buying fake garlands and/or wreaths. The tree and all decorations will be completely up and lit by 1 Dec this year so that I can enjoy it before the take-down happens on Boxing Day. The neighbours will wonder what the heck is going on but I guarantee and within a week, there will be a whole bunch of lit Xmas trees in windows around the crescent. It's contagious.


At 2:15 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hmmm...could it have anything to do with the fact that your new neighbours got their Christmas lights up last night, maybe?

Lynne, I promise not to make this into a war the way Colin would like it to be....your holiday decorating always looks lovely, and we could never compare. We will take your rejects...because Colin won't let me buy any of my own :(

Jen xoxo


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