Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Goodbye Auntie Mable

There are so many people who have Godparents they hardly know or have no contact with at all. I was one of the lucky ones...Auntie Mable was a part of my life from the day I was born and no matter where I lived, she kept in contact and insisted that I do the same. She saw herself as being almost as important as my own Mother and there were times when I felt conflicted in the attention I needed to give each of them. However, she was always there when needed and never refused anything I ever asked of her.

I remember when Kevin was a baby and she and Uncle John came to visit us in Chatham, NB. I asked if she could knit a hat for him that would match his little fuzzy snowsuit. Within a few hours he had the finished product and we laughed so hard when I handed her the pom-pom I'd made for the was HUGE! When we lived in Germany, her Christmas parcel was the one we couldn't (and didn't) wait to open as there was always a box of homemade shortbread that she had packed with such care so that the cookies wouldn't break. What a wonderful cook she was and we often talked about the marathon apple pie making we'd do in the fall for the freezer.

She passed away today and I'm going to miss her. She would call me 3 or 4 times a week and I'd have to bring her up-to-date on how my kids were doing as well as everyone else in the family. She loved to hear stories about Baby Ty and never missed an opportunity to tell me a similar story about when I was a baby.

Fortunately I went to see her last night and she was still conscious enough to know I was there. When I left, I said goodbye and told her I'd be back today....she replied, "Thanks Pet" which is what she always called me. She was far more sentimental than she appeared and her love for her family, whether immediate or extended, was absolute. I'd like to think she and Mom are together now, continuing the friendship they started in 1943.

Sunday, June 18, 2006

Ode to Tim--Happy B'Day

Today is my middle baby's 33rd birthday...which coincidently, also falls on his very first Father's Day. How fitting is that? He's an awesome Father, a terrific son, and we are so proud of all that he has become. We are lucky parents.

Like his own son, Tim was planned and wanted...his was no accidental birth. Although we already had a son, and were naturally hoping for a girl to round off the family, this new baby was meant to be special right from the start. Kevin had been a very independent baby, and an even more independent cuddling and fussing for him. Tim was the opposite...we couldn't hug him enough, kiss him enough, or give him too much attention. He was the happiest little guy and content to play cars (he had the largest collection of Dinky cars in history) or cruise around the shopping centre with me--a bag of chips in one little hand and a Dinky car in the other.

Tim was only 6 wks old when we were posted to Halifax and Wayne went to sea soon after we arrived. Within a year we were off to St Jean and full time university for his Dad so the next four years were hectic. Tim and I would have 'Juice & Cheese' parties in the afternoon or visit friends. I remember watching him paint a wooden yard stick with water colours--over and over--one side yellow, the other red--turn it over and repaint one side blue, the other green. He was precise and determined and he has those same traits today. He was especially close to his Grampa Chamberlain and they would sit and play Snakes and Ladders together, even while Tim 'amended' the rules to suit his game at the moment.

I love to watch him with Ty. Even before Ty was born, Tim was a part of his life and it will be interesting to see the relationships he has with his own children as they grow. As Oprah says, "I know this for sure--every 18 June, for as long as I live, I'll remember that race to the hospital in an oversize housecoat for the fastest, easiest birth in the world and the absolute joy of being given this child to be mine." I love you sweetheart. xxx

Saturday, June 10, 2006

Fishing and Weekend with Ty

The annual Wells, Waynes, & Sons fishing trip was last weekend and a good time was had by all. The preparation that goes in to this trip is phenominal...for 3 1/2 days they eat like kings, tell fish stories, and play cards...and do some great trout fishing.

Tim, Kim, & Ty went out to the farm from Toronto and after Tim came back to Ottawa to pick up Colin, Wayne and Scott, I headed out to Munroe Mills to spend a couple of days with Kim, Gail, and Ty. The weather wasn't nice but we managed to plant some flowers Gail had bought and had so much fun with the baby. He is a big boy by any baby-measuring standard...certainly not overweight...just solid. He has learned how to make 'raspberries' with lots of noise and even more spit. Of course, the harder we laughed, the harder he worked at it until his bib was soaked and his face was red. Kim had told us how active he was in his jolly jumper but neither Gail nor I were prepared for fun he had and even more fun we had watching him. He just never stops! Kim said sometimes she has to take him out because he's almost out of breath. Sunday night he bounced, jumped, and twirled for nearly 2 hours and we nearly split ourselves laughing at him. Of course, that just gave him more encouragement and he enjoyed being the star of the show. He's such a good baby and although he can have him moments, he's very content.

Wayne and I were in Home Depot the other day and found an outdoor baby swing that looks like a little car. I let out a whoop and it was in the cart in a nano-second...I can just see him in the backyard, swinging on the tree branch and having his crazy Honey taking pictures non stop.

Preparations continue for the engagement party on 24 June. It has rained for a week and the temperature has dropped dramatically...I'll be fine until next weekend and if things don't start to improve a lot weatherwise, I'll start to panic. Plan B is that all 60 or more people move into the house...that will make for a very 'friendly' party. The rain today meant that I got the canopy and cushions for the trellis done. I'm surprised I didn't have any problem remembering how to use the sewing machine--it's been years--but all went well.