Friday, September 08, 2017

A Day with Olivia - September 6, 2017

Wayne and I got to spend two days with Olivia before her turn came to go to Senior Kindergarten. For so many reasons, it turned into something magical and I needed to document some of that magic before time and memory start to fade.

After spending Day 1 in the house watching television, playing on the iPad, and make believe in the dollhouse, I decided that Day 2 needed to be better. There is a new playground at Mooney's Bay...a million-dollar structure to celebrate Canada's 150th birthday...and that was where we headed. I packed a small lunch, my camera, and even though it was a cloudy day, we got in the car and made out way to the playground. None of us had been there so had no idea what we'd find...we only knew it had a reputation for being quite grandiose!

On the drive there Olivia found a way to tell Wayne that I had 'accidentally, REALLY accidentally' driven through a red light at that very spot the previous day. I HAD gone through a red light and I guess my shocked reaction to having done that stayed in her mind. Wayne had lots of questions for her about the incident and she answered all his question, always reminding him that it had been an accident...Honey didn't mean to do it.

During the drive she asked us if we knew where rain came from and gave us a blow-by-blow description of water going up into the sky and then 'evaporation'. She talked about emotions and when I asked her what she felt like right now, she said "Happy because I am with adults".

When we got to Mooney's Bay we told her to close her eyes while we walked through the parking lot so that the playground would be a surprise. When we got to the hill overlooking the site we told her to open her eyes. Her reaction was priceless! "Oh my gosh, I can't believe it" was all she could say over and over and she giggled and laughed non-stop between gushes of wonder.

As soon as we got close to the edge we let her go and for the next two hours she climbed, swung, ran, and climbed some more. What an amazing spot! The structures are representative of all Canada's provinces...lighthouse for PEI, Viking boat for Newfoundland, covered wagons for the Prairies and so much more. She met other little girls her age whom she asked if they would like to be best friends (and they did) and she talked and laughed with them. We went down to the bay side to have lunch and the ducks came into be fed which just made her day. Wayne got a few to come right up to the picnic table and I'm not sure which one of them enjoyed it more.

When it came time to come home, there was no whining, crying, or pleading to stay...she'd had a couple hours of full fun and didn't mind leaving. We headed for the washrooms but because the site is closed for the summer, there were only Porta Potties available and she and I both opted to 'hold it' until we got home. She told us about her camping trip with only outdoor toilets, how they were so stinky and she didn't like that. Neither do I.

We sang a few songs on the drive home and then she asked if we'd like to hear the song her Daddy sings to her at bedtime. From the backseat came this sweet, soft voice that started to sing "Somewhere Over the Rainbow". Neither Wayne nor I could speak. When her rendition of the song finished she asked if we liked her voice. We hardly had the ability to answer her and each of us had eyes filled with tears. It was so sweet and innocent and when she asked if we'd like her to sing it again, we both could only nod our heads and squeak out a 'yes, please'. The second time was just as beautiful as the first.

We don't often have an opportunity to have the girls separately and always enjoy it when we can give them some individual attention. Gillian is very mature at 8 years old and I love having conversations with her. Olivia is now the youngest and there won't be any more babies to cuddle so, as with her Father, I guess we tend to listen more closely and pay a bit more attention to what she does and says.

We are so lucky!